“IF” is a little, but dangerous word!

Seventh Day Adventist’s are able to prove a person can be saved by keeping the Sabbath and not eating pork, IF.  Church of Christ heretics can prove a person is saved by water baptism, IF.  Adventists and others can prove soul sleep, IF.  Jehovah Witnesses can prove there is no hell, IF.  Various brands of heretics can prove there is no Tribulation or Millennium, IF.  Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses can prove that Jesus Christ is a created god, IF.  Roman Catholics can prove that Rome is the one true church, IF.  Past and current popes can prove that one should pray to Mary, IF.  Rome can prove it is the one true church built on Peter, IF.   The charismatic can convince us that the prosperity gospel is true, IF.

By now you are wondering why the word IF is found at the end of each heretical statement, and you should.  In the above cases the word “IF” deals with what  false teachers and false prophets do with the AV1611 Holy Bible.  Please follow along as we list some IF’s that ungodly men use to sneak in unawares and pervert the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, thus leading men into hell.

#1  IF we allow men to change one word, on phrase, or even one letter of the AV1611 Holy Bible the door will be flung open wide for any of the heresies mentioned above.

#2  IF we allow men to tell us what the Bible teaches instead of what the AV1611 says, their doctrines of devils will damn us.

#3  IF we allow men to convince us what the AV1611 means instead of what it says, we will find ourselves on the broad path that leads to destruction.

#4  IF we follow heretics that take a verse or passage of scripture out of context as it is found in the King James AV1611 it will become a pretext for heresy.

#5  IF we do not get scriptural dispensation right, our theology will be dead wrong.

#6 IF we take preachers seriously who correct the AV1611 with “their special knowledge” of the Greek and Hebrew we will be open for false doctrine.

#7 IF we do not regard the AV1611 King James Bible as our FINAL AUTHORITY, we open ourselves up for ERROR!

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About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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3 Responses to IF

  1. Pastor Larry says:

    Jake: Mormonism is first of all a lost religion based on lies of Joseph Smith. Even their own Priests acknowledge it was built upon a cult and they have more gods than the Hindus. I interviewed a High Priest from Salt Lake City and received much of the info. in this response . The KJB is an offence to them and they will tell you it has many errors in it. They only go by the book of Mormon which Joseph Smith plagiarized. How do I know this? Well I asked the Priest what was the Language in the 1800s when book of Mormon was wrote? He said same as it is now. So I asked him why was it written with thee and thou when the language was the same as it is now? It was hard for him to answer that one.There are many Mormons who read the King James and came out of that cult and are now born again believers in Jesus Christ. Mormons will tell you the read the King James in an effort to get you in their cult like the old bait and switch. They also believe the Cross of Christ is an offence and never happened. I have studied this cult for a while ..Look up the movie The God Makers I think its online
    Hope This Helps
    All The Best
    Pastor Larry

  2. jakeswink says:

    What do you think about the fact that Mormons use the KJV?

  3. admin says:

    Everyone who reads this post should email it to preachers not preaching from the AV1611 Holy Bible and also those who use a variety of bibles and those who attempt to correct the AV1611 with their imagined knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. Also refer them to the Greek and Hebrew Challenge found on this site. Bro. Ray

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