2 Cor. 5:21 – ETERNAL SECURITY by Dwane Karr

 Rom.10:3,4 ” For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

My favorite verse; 2 Cor.5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” The first half of the verse [GLORY, THANK YOU JESUS] is His suffering to save us but that is not what this post is about. That was done so that  “we might be made the  righteousness of God  in him”. The fact that we are “made the righteousness of God in him” proves that nobody was “Born Again” before the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Despite the fact that many go ballistic when you say that, it is Bible truth that can not be denied.

That precious “righteousness of God” is the imputed righteousness we are given when we are Born Again. Many deny imputed righteousness as well.  The fact is that if you do not have God’s imputed righteousness you are lost and on your way to Hell.  The righteousness of God WAS NOT AND COULD NOT be given by God to anyone prior to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for a very simple reason.   Jesus Christ had to ESTABLISH THE PERFECT RIGHTEOUS LIFE BY LIVING THE PERFECT RIGHTEOUS LIFE TO BRING IT INTO EXISTENCE!!!   It wasn’t available to the O.T. Saint.  Note how Paul tells us this very plainly; (Rom.3:21) ” But NOW the righteousness of God without the law IS MANIFESTED, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;”

Those OT Saints had to establish their own righteousness; (Deut.6:25) “And it shall be OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, [if] WE observe to DO all these commandments before the LORD our God, as he hath commanded us.”  (And offer sacrifices when they sinned, and die in a proper state maintaining their established righteousness to the end of their life, and still receive Grace from God for all men fall short). Even then they had to go to Abraham’s Bosom and not Heaven for they had to wait for the Lamb’s Precious Blood to be shed to provide Clearing of sins, not just forgiveness. They had Remission of sins, but not Redemption.

This explains (Rom.10:3-4) ” For they being ignorant of {God’s righteousness}, and going about to {establish their own righteousness}, have not submitted themselves unto the {righteousness of God}. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.”   The time when a man had to establish his own righteousness was over when Paul penned these God Breathed words. This is where Israel stumbled.  Their PRIDE demanded they have a part (works) in their salvation. That was the way it had been.  They would not admit that Jesus Christ had lived a perfect life and fulfilled the Law perfectly.  They would not admit that since Christ had done that the standard was now perfection which they could not achieve on their own.  The Pride of the Jews would not allow them to admit they could DO NOTHING, not even have a LITTLE PART IN THEIR SALVATION.  Total reliance on Jesus Christ was full humility and DEATH TO THEIR PRIDE.  So they rejected SALVATION FULL AND FREE, and instead went to Hell in droves.

I wrote this to expose the error of many FaceBook “Christians” who believe works must be a part of their salvation today. Those who hate OSAS (Eternal Security), those who believe Lordship Salvation (practicing discipleship necessary to prove salvation), those who believe you must first turn from sin then Christ will forgive your past sins, then go and sin no more=sinless perfection etc.  Those of you who believe one or more of what I have just written are in the same boat as the Jews at the time Paul wrote the book of Romans.  Your problem is Pride.  Your Pride is going to drag you into Hell unless you will swallow it and realize you are a helpless, hopeless sinner and trust the FINISHED WORK OF JESUS CHRIST ON CALVARY TO SAVE YOU!

He paid it all. If you go to Heaven it will be 100% because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for you and ZERO on your part. You must be Born Again at which time you will receive the Imputed Righteousness of Christ which is THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. That is the bottom line on Salvation in the Church Age, the time from Pentecost to the Rapture, and no amount of trying to justify your self in any manner will work. Jesus Christ paid it all, all to Him I owe.  If you can’t say that or don’t understand that you are still lost and on your way to a Fiery Devils Hell.  I pray some of you seriously consider these words before it is too late!


About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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