ACTS 2:1-13 – Come Let Me Show You the Words Of The Lord


The heresies of modern Pentecostal/Charismatic cults hover around the misinterpretation of the fifth book of the New Testament titled,” Acts of the Apostles”.   All cults have three things in common; that are listed below; concerning scripture. Cults are sects that purposely appear Christian, while denying the Godhead and Diety of Jesus Christ. These cults substitute works for the blood atonement and faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross of Calvary.  To accomplish their sinister schemes they all do one or more of the following:

  1. Cults take a word or words away from the scripture.
  2. Cults add a word or words to the scripture.
  3. Cults take the scripture out of context to prove their perversion of the gospel.

Please take notice that the term “Christian is not found anywhere in the book of Acts until chapter 11.  Hence there are no Christians present in the book of Acts in chapters 1 or 2.  Don’t take my word for it, STOP, read both chapters to find out if what I just told you is true.  Now, look at verses 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 22, and 36.  You will notice that Peter is addressing Jews or Gentile proselytes to Judaism.  Peter is speaking to a nation.

Look at Chapter 2 closely and you will find; no matter what you’ve been told; that no one is praying for the gift of tongues or the baptism of the Holy Ghost, before or after Peter’s message on the day of Pentecost.  No one anywhere or at anytime is speaking in an unknown tongue in Acts chapter 2 (vs. 8).  Read it again. Unknown tongues are not in Acts 2. All the languages spoken are known languages  and understood by those who hear them; they are not unknown languages (Acts 2:8-11).  Go ahead read it again to make sure.   Notice that no one is praying for tongues or baptism of the Holy Ghost before or after Peter’s message.  The Bible says they are sitting, not kneeling and begging (vs. 2), they are waiting, not praying (Luke 24:49).  None of the converts at Pentecost received or sought the modern Pentecostal experience.

Acts chapter 2 does not deal with Jesus shedding his blood for sins and the saved mentioned here is being saved from a generation, not being saved from hell.  Not one  was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire as modern Pentecostals teach it.  The Bible teaches what it says, and it says  cloven tongues like as fire; [not and fire] ,and it sat upon each of them (vs. 3).  Where are the tongues like as fire and the sound of a rushing mighty wind in the modern Pentecostal/Charismatic meetings? Well where are they?

There were at least 120 disciples present and only 12 of them had the gift of foreign languages (vs. 7).  The initial evidence taught by the modern Pentecostal movement did not show up in Acts 4:4 or 17:34 or other places in Acts when someone was saved.  Pentecostal churches preach a perverted gospel; and tag themselves as full gospel when they should tell the truth and say perverted gospel; because they refuse to believe the written word of Jesus Christ as it is written.


Now before we continue further in the scriptures, please open your AV1611 Bible and read Acts 2 1-13 again an ask yourself the following questions and answer according to what you just read.  Were the tongues in verses 1-13 unknown or known languages of those who heard them?  That is correct, they are known languages to the hearers.    Are the modern tongues you are using, known or unknown to anyone who hears you?  Correct again, your tongues are not understood by anyone who hears you. Think about this.  If your tongues are not understood by those who hear, they are not the same tongues spoken of plainly in this passage of scripture.   With those questions answered we can move on.  You will have to find another passage of scripture to twist in order to prove your traditions.

Verse 4 says, “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with OTHER TONGUES”,  not unknown tongues.  Check this out, three chapters later the self-same disciples were “filled with the Holy Ghost” and did not speak with tongues (Acts 4:31).  Not only do Charismatics and Pentecostals brag about the gift of tongues, but they glory in a gift that is least and will cease (1Cor. 12:31).  I will be the first to admit that the scriptures command us to be filled with the spirit.  This filling is accompanied by singing hymns, spiritual songs, and psalms in our own language. ( Eph. 5:18).


What meaneth this?  That is the question in Acts 2:12 and the modern Charismatic churches have tried to figure it out now for over 100 years.  Charismatics think the question is about unknow tongues and are glad to offer up the heresy of the week as an answer.  But we will look at the scripture to see what the object of the question was before we try to answer.  The answer is in the preceding verse (vs.11).  They had just heard the wonderful works of God.  The diciples were speaking of Jesus Christ.  The message was so important that God had used men’s voiceboxes to communicate a message to a nation.  They did not ask, What meaneth this?, because of a bunch of jibberish found in Chaismatic/Pentecostal churches today.


“What meaneth this?” is followed immediately by Charismatics and Full Gospel cults with verse 13 of Acts chapter 2 to prove yet more heresies.  Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine (vs. 13).  Charismatics use vs. 13 to hang two modern heresies on: drunk in the spirit and falling out (or down, or backwards, collapsing in church meetings and etc.).  Remember we are in a transition period between the Old Testament and the New Testament all the way through chapter 2.  The disciples (all Galileans) are speaking to those in Judaism about the Messiah whom their nation had recently murdered.

Isaiah 65:8 and Gen. 40:10 reveals the “new wine” is the unfermented fresh juice of grapes or clusters of grapes hanging on the vine.  The “new wine” spoken of here is not the forbidden “old wine”we read of in Luke 5:39.  This statement in vs. 13 is a sarcastic remark about the content of the message being given to the nation of Israel.  Verse 13 therefore is not an accusation of drunkenness that Pentecostal madmen use as an excuse for their own “false drunk in the spirit doctrine”.  The Holy Spirit clues those with discernment in when he says, “Others MOCKING said, These men…..etc, and etc.”  In todays street sarcasm we would say “These men are talking like someone drunk on root beer.

Hopefully; armed with truth; the Full Gospel community can stop falling down and out during church services,  they can retire the “catcher” to the profitable vocation of soul winning.  Now, if  a brother or sister begins to act drunken during praise and worship, the pastor can now see to use the scripture as a breathalyzer test.

“ACTS 2: 14-21 Come Let Me Show You the Words Of The Lord” is now ready. More to come on Acts Chapter 2!  Thanks for studying with me.  Bro. Ray














About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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5 Responses to ACTS 2:1-13 – Come Let Me Show You the Words Of The Lord

  1. admin says:

    Dear John: It is good to hear that you are checking your theology with what the words of God SAY. Jesus commanded us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES. You are heading toward doctrinal soundness. Look up Gail Riplinger’s website and check out some of her books such as “New Age Bible Versions” and others. Above all read the AV1611 Bible. BIBLE, BIBLE, BIBLE. God bless you in Christ Jesus, Bro. Ray

  2. John says:

    Ray, I have read many of your works here on your site and I have sudied out many things which you point out. To my dismay I have been unable to defend my stance of certain topics which you have refuted with what appears to be bibical truth. I am going to take time in the near future, perhaps once a day to study through your blog and see if your vision of chrisianity holds water. I must say, these topics have bothered me for sometime. I will be reading.

  3. admin says:

    gdspeedlt: Don’t forget what you said about going with Paul on the subject of tongues, we will compare scripture with scripture, and what Paul said will be incorporated into this online Bible study. Bro. Ray

  4. admin says:

    Dear gdspeedlt: Please look at the post again, I did not say I was following Peter and saying the heck with Paul. I don’t believe I even mentioned Paul. Your doing with my words what I warned the cults do with God’s Book. You are putting words in my mouth that I did not say. And that changes what I said. Please read the post again and examine it to see if what I said about tongues is true so far in Acts 2: 1-13. Thanks for staying with me on this and check back later, this was just an introduction to what will be a great online Bible study. Keep commenting, I appreciate you. Still love you Sister. Bro. Ray

  5. B says:

    So what you are saying is that you follow only Peter and the heck with Paul. Paul went to the gentiles and he speaks of speaking in tongues. Paul baptized in the Holy Spirit with the laying on of hands. But since I am not a Jew I will go with Paul on this subject.

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