I had the privilege of waking up around 3:30 a.m.  so I decided to read my AV1611 Holy Bible.  I have had a re-occurring thought since I woke up, and decided to share it with Ezekiel3’s readers before I went back to bed.  Here it is:

If you do not believe you are once saved always saved (OSAS), chances are you are not saved.  Or at best you were saved and someone “spoiled you through vain deceit”.  SELAH on that while I go back to sleep to get ready for work later this morning.


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Stop It

Here is my advice to you, you, and you if you are going  to a Charismatic or Pentecostal church:  STOP IT. Find yourself a good Bible-believing (AV1611 of course) church, read the AV1611 exclusively, rightly divide it and believe it (AV1611 of course). Amen? AMEN.

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And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth.   But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.   And it shall be, if thou do AT ALL forget the Lord thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.   As the nations which the Lord destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the Lord your God. Deut. 8:17-20

vs.17  And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth.

Verse 17 above is the capital sin of America.   Verse 18 above says that America’s government should remember to give “glory to God”, but not one American government organization from the Presidency to the local mayor obeys this commandment.  Yes, yes these commandments were first given to the Jewish people, but don’t forget they were preserved for our admonition (1Cor. 10:11).  Look at verses 19 and 20 to see what the future of  America is, in these last days.


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But, I don’t worship the Christmas tree!  I didn’t say you did, but God said not to possess get one or decorate it.  What part of  LEARN NOT, do you not understand?  The pagan tree in the prophet Jeremiah’s book sound a lot like the one that surfaced in the pagan Roman Catholic practice of Christmas.  Don’t believe me?  Read it for your self.

 1Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: 2  Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. 3  For the customs  of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. 4  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. 5  They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. 6  Forasmuch as there is none like unto thee, O Lord; thou art great, and thy name is great in might.  Jeremiah 10:1-6

Argue with God’s word, not me.  Selah.


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1Samuel 13:19-22 – GUN CONTROL IN THE BIBLE


19  Now there was no smith found throughout all the land of Israel: for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make them swords or spears: 20  But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock. 21  Yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to sharpen the goads. 22  So it came to pass in the day of battle, that there was neither sword nor spear found in the hand of any of the people that were with Saul and Jonathan: but with Saul and with Jonathan his son was there found. 1Sam. 13:19-22

The above passage is a condensed expose’ on GUN CONTROL in the Bible (AV1611 of course).  We can learn important lessons from this passage in the Old Testament.  Take a look at what I found in this Bible passage that mirrors what the United States Government; national and local; is doing and attempting to do to its own citizens.

  1. Gun control laws are set up to protect two groups of people, KILLERS and ROBBERS. 
  2. Gun control laws are set up to protect AGENTS of the GOVERNMENT who set up the laws.
  3. Gun control laws protect the KILLERS and ROBBERS who are AGENTS of the GOVERNMENT who intend to take everything you have under the pretense of protecting you from people like you.
  4. Gun control laws take the BASIC RIGHT to BEAR ARMS so they can take your other rights and kill you if you do not submit to the THEFT of YOUR RIGHTS and PROPERTY. 

Why do you suppose the Holy Ghost put 1Sam. 13:19-22 in the Bible (AV1611 of course)?  Perhaps the following verse in the New Testament can shed some Biblical light on that question.  Selah.

Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples:  and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.  1Cor. 10:11

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I Prefer Radical Baptists

Every time some religious nut; Muslim;  blows themselves or someone else up, the news media refers to the religious nit wit as a RADICAL ISLAMIST!  Here at Ezekiel3 we contend that all religious garbage known as Islam is RADICAL!  Let’s compare a  radical Baptist with a few radical Islamists.

First:  My pastor is almost 83 years young and was converted to Christianity at the age of 19.  He has been in full-time ministry for over 6o years, during which time he has accomplished the following incomplete short list.

  1. Built a store front Baptist church into a  church that seats over 300.
  2. Built a Christian K – 12 Christian school.
  3. Established a Christian College to train young men and women for Christian service in many countries around the world.
  4. Established himself as a respected community leader.
  5. Preached untold thousands of sermons in over 40 countries.
  6. Established over 100 churches world-wide. .
  7. Led thousands to Christ Jesus.
  8. Has not blown anyone or anything up!

Now,  let’s look at the Muslim that may be living next door to you.  He may seem to be a quiet neighbor,  but look closer at his garbage religion.  This gutter religion has a Koran in place of the Holy Bible.  This evil book of the Muslim teaches him or her to kill all non-Muslims; especially those of the Christian or Jewish faiths.  The Koran teaches the followers of Islam to kill the infidels; YOU; where they find them by any means possible.  And they do.

Remember 911?   Remember Paris?  Remember California?  The Radical Muslims blow themselves and everyone they can up!  Those who are afraid to do the dirty work support and applaud those who do killings.  Now that is Radical Islam.

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Part 2: “spirits” ON TRIAL


Beloved, BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  1 Jn. 4:1

In Part 1: “spirits” ON TRIAL we listed three commandments about “spirits”.  The first was believe not every “spirit”. So we won’t.  The only reliable  standard we have available is God’s infallible words (AV1611 of course) for the English peoples.

Those in the Charismatic, Pentecostal, and ecumenical circles have many isms and schisms to which I say, hmm.  Below is a partial list of strange behaviors and beliefs exhibited in these Bible deficient churches.

  1. Laughing “spirit” Heresy:  This is when a “another spirit” whom the heretics refer to as the Holy Ghost of God overwhelms an individual and causes them to laugh uncontrollably during church services.   This “spirit” is often transferred from one person to another during services until chaos becomes the norm during the service.
  2. Drunk In the “spirit” Heresy:  This “spirit” often as not accompanies the “laughing spirit” and causes the receiver to act in an exaggerated drunken state; complete with slurred speech and loss of body control.
  3. Illusions “spirit” Heresy:  This “spirit” is becoming popular among the tongue talking crowd and makes recipients willing to fake miracles and teach the prosperity gospel.  Those under the spell of any of these fore-mentioned spirits have two things in common; they do not  believe the AV1611 or any other Bible is infallible; and they hold the original manuscripts which do not exist in high regard.

Here is the Ezekiel3 challenge to anyone practicing the above heresies.  Please comment with the Bible; chapter and verse; to prove these diabolical heresies are pleasing to the Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Good luck!

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John 10;8 “ITCHING EARS”

All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: BUT the sheep did not hear them. John 10:8

Possibly you have heard many sermons illustrations from real shepherd’s about how sheep only follow their own  shepherd’s voice and none other.  These are good illustrations, and I agree.  BUT, why is it that in today’s modern church age we have professing Christians following heretics within the ecumenical movement?  To figure this phenomenon out lets look at another sermon illustration from a modern shepherd in Arabia.

A sheep herder in Arabia is reported as saying, “The only time sheep will follow a stranger is when they are SICK.”  With the churches and those within the churches going after every strange and sick doctrine coming down the pike, one has to conclude they are VERY SICK.  But why are the SICK?

Since the early 1900’s those professing to know Jesus Christ have began to eat spoiled food coming from the ASV, NASV, Living Bible, The “book”, NIV, and the New King Jimmy bible.  The modern church  has been under and malnourished for the past 400 years.   The church has lost her strength due to lack of spiritual food.  With the lack of food came a lack of spiritual power.  Modern churches that have rejected the AV1611 Holy Bible appear to be alive, but spiritually dead inside.

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Part 1: “spirits” ON TRIAL

If It Quacks Like  Duck, Its  Likely A Duck!

Beloved, BELIEVE NOT EVERY SPIRIT, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  1 Jn. 4:1

Have you noticed how  Charistmatics and Pentecostals blame much of their  extreme  erratic un-Godly behaviors and false doctrines on the Holy Ghost of God?   They do this because their practices cannot be backed up with the words of God (AV1611 of course).   The “spirit filled” crowd in modern ecumenical churches becomes upset when  Bible believers like myself question their quirky practices and unsound doctrines.  Some of these poor souls are saved born again Christians who have been spoiled through  vain deceit.  Yet many more; tens of thousands; are just as deceived and lost as a Jehovah Witness, Seventh Day Adventist, or Mormon.

BEWARE lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the RUDIMENTS of the world, and not after Christ.  Col. 2:8

Have you noticed how in just two verses of scripture we have THREE COMMANDMENTS about spirits and false teaching:

  1. Believe not every spirit.
  2. Try the spirits.
  3. Beware.

With these charges given us of God himself, we will begin again in {Part 2 “spirits” ON TRIAL} to examine “spirits” masquerading as the Holy Ghost of God; where and how we find them in the Charismatic, Pentencostal, and ecumenical movements.

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ROMANS 2:1,2 – Bible Study


Therefore thou art INEXCUSABLE, O Man, whosoever thou are that judgest: for wherin thou judgest another, thou condemest thyself: for thou that judgest doest the same things.  Bot we are sure that the judgement of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. Rom. 2:1,2

Lost hypocrites are seemingly  unaware of the above passage  when they quote the first two words of Mathew 7:1 Judge not…; while they are being witnessed to about the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  Unsaved Christ rejecting  sinners begin to judge the messenger (preacher)  when they are confronted with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  They rare up and show their Bible,  ignorance by  using only two words “JUDGE NOT”  as a defense for their sin; which they have heard and probably never read for themselves.

The lost sinner while spouting “JUDGE NOT” , seems to have completely missed “…he that believeth not is CONDEMED ALREADY”  in John 3:18.  Unsaved men and women have already had their trial and have been condemned by GodNOW!, they are all awaiting JUDGEMENT!  Look at the following for Scripture proof.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.  Rom. 3:23  Wherefore, as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death (physical and eternal) by sin, and so death (Hell) passed upon all men, FOR IN THAT ALL HAVE SINNED. Rom. 5:12 

There you have it, the Christ rejector is CONDEMNED by his sin and the soulwinner is simply making the lost man aware of the PUNISHMENT that awaits him and the PARDON the sinner can receive;  through Jesus Christ the Lord.

It is hard to fathom how a man or woman or child could choose to reject the free  pardon from sin and gift of eternal life.  Yet untold tens of millions have chosen Hell over Heaven for reasons that cannot be explained.  One would be hard pressed to find someone in man’s prisons or on death row that would not accept a pardon and their freedom if it were to be offered.   Yet the UNSAVED HYPOCRITE  will choose to sit in darkness awaiting the inevitable Hell and ETERNAL LAKE OF FIRE; when a full pardon has been offered to them in the words of God (AV1611 Holy Bible). 

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God’s word’s before the AV1611 – Where were they?

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In His Own Name by Dwane Karr

~ Anybody catch the Pope’s intro to the United Nations?   I am not making a big deal out of this at all, just thought it was interesting.  I tend to notice word phrases when people use them, if they match something I know in the Scriptures.  It was just four little words. Here it is “…..the Secretary General of the United Nations has invited the Pope to address this distinguished assembly of Nations and the Pope says ” In my own name, and that of the entire Catholic community, I wish to express….”

~ Did you catch it?  Reminds me of John 5:43 where Jesus said ” I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come {in his own name}, him ye will receive.”

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Sodom and upon Gomorrah

The Men Of Sodom by Dwane Karr

~ As you know the “first use” of a word in our WORD-PERFECT  King James Bible, gives us a good idea of the basic meaning of that word and how it will be used throughout the rest of the Holy Bible. With that being so I would like to show you the “first use” of five words in our King James Bible. These verses are found in Gen.13 and Gen. 19, which deals with Sodom and Gomorrah. The first two words are used in Gen.13 describing the kind of people being dealt with. First use words will be Capitalized and Bracketed;

Gen.13:13 “But the men of Sodom were {WICKED} and {SINNERS} before the LORD exceedingly.”

~ The other three “first use” words are found in Gen.19 and deal with God’s punishment dealt out on these cities for their behavior;
Gen.19:15 ” And when the morning arose, then the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which are here; lest thou be {CONSUMED} in the iniquity of the city.”
Gen.19:24 “Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and {FIRE} from the LORD out of heaven;”
Gen.19:28 ” And he looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah, and toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and, lo, the {SMOKE} of the country went up as the smoke of a furnace.”

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ROMANS 1:28 – Bible Study

The “Reprobate Mind”, What Is It?


And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a REPROBATE MIND to do those things which are not convenient;

Bible ignorant teachers a cert that being of a reprobate mind is the state of a man or woman who has sinned so grievously that her or she can never be saved.  Ezekiel3 believes the for-mentioned teaching is damnable heresy.  Still yet, other Bible ignorant teachers, teach that  sodomites and sex perverts  can never be saved.  Again, we here at Ezekiel3 believes this teaching is damnable heresy; and we hold the opinion that we should teach them and preach to them as well as pray for them.  Below is scripture proof  the sex  pervert and the sodomite can be and do get saved.

…BE NOT DECEIVED: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, NOR EFFEMINATE, NOR ABUSERS OF THEMSELVES WITH MANKIND…shall inherit the kingdom of God.  AND SUCH WERE SOME OF YOU:  BUT ye are washed, BUT ye are sanctified, BUT ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.  1Cor. 6:9-11

So who are those with a REPROBATE MIND?

What follows verse 28 in this chapter is a concise history of the Gentiles before the time of Christ and dating back to the Book of Genesis.  Read verses 29 through 32 for a comprehensive list of what you and your neighbors are or were.  The answer to the above question, “So who are those with a REPROBATE MIND?”, is YOU.  But thanks be to God the Father through Jesus Christ for sending his Son to seek and save that (me and you) which was lost.

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ROMANS 1:29-32 – Bible Study


Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whispers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, covenant breakers, with natural affection, IMPLACABLE, unmerciful; Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the  same, but have pleasure in them that do them.  Rom. 1:28-32

The above list describes every Gentile nation on the face of the earth in past and present times, as well as every person on the face of the earth to some degree.

The above passage is bad news for the Self-Righteous Cult who believe they never sin.  This Cult has invaded the ranks of modern street preachers and made a name for themselves.   Well known campus preacher Jed Smock, and Jesse Morrell along with street preacher Ruben Israel do not believe in the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ and set about to establish their own righteousness.   Jesse Morrell, Jed Smock, and Ruben Israel have publicly denounced the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ.  To those three and others who claim to have lived a sinless life since there (supposed) conversion, I would like to ask the following questions.

Are you WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING?  Here is a sin that we are all guilty of, saved and unsaved.  Do you understand all the Bible when you have read it.  Some of the above named open air preachers held a conference to  decide when the rapture was and if we were all or in part going through the Tribulation.  Obviously they have not a complete understanding.  They do not have an understanding of imputed righteousness.  So they are WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING.  Me thinks they have sin, that needs repented of.

Are you IMPLACABLE?   Do you accept apology or forgiveness?  No one is able to meet your standards.  The standard is Jesus Christ and his righteousness.  Our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.   But your standard is sinless perfection when you have been shown over and over by scripture that you do have sin.  When you are confronted with the same techniques you use on hapless sinners that know not the truth, you cry foul!  Again are you WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING?, yes you are and I am too.  WE ALL HAVE SIN.  We are all without understanding to some degree.  

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Whose mouths must be stopped…Titus 1:11

I had a re-occurring thought while getting ready for church this morning.

Many years ago,  before wicked rock and rap got a foothold in the churches of America and across the world, a nasty rumor was started about our spiritual songs and hymns sang in Baptist and other churches for centuries.  As an excuse for rock and rap some said that our hymns were set to the tune of songs that originated in bars, saloons and the like.  To that I say PROVE IT!  If you are so ignorant to think that songs and hymns such  of “Amazing Grace, Nothing But the Blood, The Old Rugged Cross, How Great Thou Art, and other great songs and hymns of the faith were remakes of the worlds mu-sick, PROVE IT! 

Please, pleeaasse, anyone!, let us know of just one worldly song that preceded one of those I listed above in which the score was borrowed from.





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  1. Catholic dirty work resulted in 27 crosses being part of the pavement in Prague, where Protestants were beheaded during the Thirty Years War (1621).
  2. In Smithfield England 150 faithful to Jesus Christ, who would not bow the knee to the pope were burned.
  3. Let us not forget Roman Catholic Saint Bartholomew’s claim to fame.  In Paris 50,000 Protestants were MURDERED in the St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.
  4. In London, England on the Thames the “Bloody Tower” has scripture carved into the walls by over 50 martyrs of Jesus Christ who would not bow to the Pope.
  5. A graveyard in Kilmarnoch, Scotland records another Catholic casualty, “John Lisbet, April 14 1688 – Scotch martyr killed”.
  6. Roman Catholics killed 200,000 UNARMED Protestants  in Ireland in 1641.  Then they complained when Cromwell retaliated.
  7. 200,000 Serbians were MURDERED by Croatians in the former country of Yugoslavia, being led by two Roman Catholic Archbishops.
  8. 200 Protestants were murdered in Columbia, South America by Roman Catholics in 1960 and 1961.
  9. ALL Nazi leaders were Roman Catholic!
  10. John Huss, William Tyndale, and Joan of Arc were all burned at the stake by Roman Catholics.

All the above are reminders,  just in case YOU got caught up in the pomp and circumstance of the Pope’s 2015 visit to this hemisphere.   ALWAYS REMEMBER  the Roman Catholic church is the seat of the Antichrist and the sworn enemy of every born again believer in Jesus Christ.  NO EXCEPTIONS, no matter how congenial they are at any given time, NO EXCEPTIONS!!

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allah, islam, muslims – WHAT A THING!


The following was submitted by Robert Cantrell, one of Ezekiel3’s brave readers as a comment on one of my posts.  This comment is so bold, so correct, and so relevant that it deserves space on Ezekiel3 as a post. 


Worldwide the UN estimates there are;
1.6 billion Christians.
1.2 billion Jews.
1.4 billion Muslims (Islam).

Terrorist attacks since 9/11 worldwide are:
The ‘religion’ of Love and Peace would Love to get a Piece of you.

Candidate Ben Carson recently said no Muslim should be president and the MSM and millions hair caught on fire. Now who’s ignorant?
Not one single Islamic country, state, government allows a non-Muslim to be a president, premier, king, prince or leader. It is strictly forbidden in all their constitution type government documents whether following Sharia or not. It is specifically addressed.

Islam is not a religion as it claims as cover. It is a Totalitarian Political Ideology. Sharia Law is the basis/core invented by their Prophet. There is no Islam without it.
More Muslims have been killed, raped, tortured, maimed, starved and displaced by other Muslims than any other force or cause.

“When people of a society become so vile and corrupt, only a despot government can serve them.”:::::::::::::::

Copy and paste this on ALL muslim stories! Flood them with the truth!
The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim
The Beltway Snipers were Muslims
The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim
The underwear Bomber was a Muslim
The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims
The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims
The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims
The London Subway Bombers were Muslims
The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims
The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims
The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims
The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims
The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims
The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims
The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Musiims
The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims
The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims
The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims
The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims
The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims
The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims
The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims
The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims
The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims
The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims’
Think of it:
Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Christians = No Problem
Hindus living with Jews = No Problem
Christians living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem
Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem
Hindus living with Baha’is = No Problem
Baha’is living with Christians = No Problem
Christians living with Jews = No Problem
Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem
Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem
Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem
Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem
Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem
Muslims living with Hindus = Problem
Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem
Muslims living with Christians = Problem
Muslims living with Jews = Problem
Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem
Muslims living with Baha’is = Problem
Muslims living with Shintos = Problem
Muslims living with Atheists = Problem
**********SO THIS LEAD TO *****************
They’re not happy in Gaza
They’re not happy in Egypt
They’re not happy in Libya
They’re not happy in Morocco
They’re not happy in Iran
They’re not happy in Iraq
They’re not happy in Yemen
They’re not happy in Afghanistan
They’re not happy in Pakistan
They’re not happy in Syria
They’re not happy in Lebanon
They’re not happy in Nigeria
They’re not happy in Kenya
They’re not happy in Sudan
******** So, where are they happy? **********
They’re happy in Australia
They’re happy in England
They’re happy in Belgium
They’re happy in France
They’re happy in Italy
They’re happy in Germany
They’re happy in Sweden
They’re happy in the USA & Canada
They’re happy in Norway & India
They’re happy in almost every country that is not Islamic! And who do they blame? Not Islam… Not their leadership… Not themselves… THEY BLAME THE COUNTRIES THEY ARE HAPPY IN!! And they want to change the countries they’re happy in, to be like the countries they came from where they were unhappy and finally they will be get hammered
Think about it…….. frown emoticon 20 signs that psychopath Muslims do:
1] Kill any one who insults Islam or Moham-mad. (Koran.33;57-61).
2) Kill all Muslims who leave Islam. (Koran.2;217/4;89/Bukhari.9;84-57).
3) Koran can not be doubted. (Koran.2;1).
4) Islam is the only acceptable religion. (Koran.3;85).
5) Muslims must fight (jihad) to non-Muslims, even if they don’t want to. (Koran.2;216).
6) We the non-Muslims are pigs and apes. (Koran. 2;62-65/Koran.5;59-60/Koran.7;166).
7) We the non-Muslims cannot be friends with Muslims. (Koran.5;51).
We the non-Muslims sworn enemies of Muslims and Islam. (Koran.4;101).
9) We the non-Muslims can be raped as sex slave. (Koran.4;3 & 24/5;89/23;5/33;50/58;3/70;30).
10) We the non-Muslims the vilest of creatures deserving no mercy. (Koran.98;6).
11) Muslim must terrorize us (non-Muslims). (Koran.8;12 &59-60/ Bukhari.4;52;220).
12) Muslims must strike terror into non-Muslims hearts. (Koran.8;60).
13) Muslims must lie to us (non-Muslims) to strengthen and spread Islam. (Koran.3;28?16;106).
14) Muslims are allowed to behead us (non_Muslims) (Koran.47;4).
15) Muslims are guaranteed to go to heaven if they kill us (non-Muslims). (Koran.9;111).
16) Marrying and divorcing pre-pubescent children is OK. (Koran.65;4).
17) Wife beating is OK. (Koran.4;34).
18) Raping wives is OK. (Koran.2;223).
19) Proving rape requires 4 (four) male Muslim witnesses. (Koran.24;13).
20) Muslims are allowed to crucify and amputate us (non-Muslims). Koran.8;12/47;4)

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Pope Francis Rebuked!

What Would C.H. Spurgeon Say?

Nineteenth century preacher, Charles  Haddon Spurgeon held no regard for the Roman Catholic Church.   Among other reasons, his firmness against the Roman Church had much to do with his leaving the Baptist Union.  Today’s American Baptists USA preachers like to quote Spurgeon as a means of pulpit credibility, but would never dare use the following quote. Because the American Baptists USA joined the National Council of Churches that has partnered with the Roman Catholic Church.

“It is the bounden duty of every Christian to pray against Anti-Christ, and  as to what Anti-Christ is no sane man ought to raise a question.  If it be not Popery in the Church of Rome there is nothing in the world that can be called by that name…because it wounds  Christ, because it robs Christ of His Glory, because it puts sacramental efficacy in the place of His atonement, and lifts a piece of bread in the place of the Saviour, and a few drops of water in place of the Holy Ghost, and puts a fallible man like ourselves up as the Vicar of Christ on earth; if we pray against it, because it is against Him, we shall love the persons though we hate their errors; we shall  love their souls though we loath and detest their dogmas, and so the breath of our prayers will be sweetened, because we turn our faces towards Christ when we pray.”   C. H. Spurgeon 

And may I add, the Popery puts forth forbidden fermented wine in place of  the atoning blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross of Calvary.  And may I ask, how can any man who claims to be a blood  bought, Jesus loving, Bible believing Christian even so much as bid the Roman Pope Godspeed?  Speak up American Baptist, we’re waiting to hear from you!

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***I am no prophet. I am making no prediction***

Members of the Catholic church need to pay close attention to the radical statements that are being made by the Vatican’s top advisor, Jeffrey Sachs.

I have long believed that the Pope, (any and all Popes) represent the man our Bible calls (2 Thess. 3:3) the “Man of Sin”. That would be the present title of the current Pope, Pope Francis.

I believe the “Man of Sin” will one day be assassinated and arise three days later (mimicking Jesus Christ) as the “Son of Perdition”, who’s (Rev.13:3) “deadly wound was healed.” This gets very interesting as this article reveals Pope Francis is prepared to say at the United Nations that a Global Tax is needed to help undo the damage done to the climate by Carbon Gasses. The figure given for the United States is over 800 Billion! This being said take a look at (Dan.11:20) “Then shall stand up in his estate {{{a raiser of taxes}}} in the glory of he kingdom: [but within few days he shall be destroyed], neither in anger, nor in battle.” Death of the “Man of Sin”, resurrection of the “Son of Perdition”, (Dan.11:21) “And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.” ***I am no prophet. I am making no prediction. But it sure is interesting!***

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The current Roman Catholic antichrist;

The current Roman Catholic antichrist; Pope Francis; while traveling from Cuba to Washington D.C.  told a reporter the United States has the largest carbon footprint in the world and owes countries around the world financial reparations.   No doubt the idiot that now occupies the White House will agree with the old bachelor from Rome.  The Pope, our President and a host of idiots have taken on the Global Warming Hoax, as if it were real.   BUT NOT EZEKIEL3!! 

Let’s take a look at the Popes Global Warming Hoax in light of God’s word which he (the Pope) is not very familiar with.

 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  Rom. 1: 22,23

If you want to find an example of the fool  declared by God in verse 22 of this passage, you have to look no further than the evolutionist.  If you look a little closer you will find his more modern brethren, those who tout GLOBAL WARMING.  In order to believe global warming, one would have to be BIBLE IGNORANT!  Some reading this can hardly believe I had the intestinal fortitude to say that; but I did; and now let me show you why.

God, himself has some advice on the foolishness of man’s wisdom (global warming).  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 1Cor. 3:19  Global warming nuts scream, “Save the planet”.  God thunders back, “Save yourselves from this untoward generation” Acts 2:40

The Global Warming Nut goes about trying to save the planet; which is temporary and does  not need saved; while at the same time he is  losing his own soul.   While the EARTH REMAINETH, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Heaven and earth shall pass away…  For what shall it profit a man, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, and LOSE HIS OWN SOUL?   Gen. 8:22 and Luke 21:33 and Mark 8:36  There you have it straight from the Holy Ghost, no need to worry.  Global Warming Nuts can set in the middle of the worst snow storm in decades and worry about the world  burning up.  Genesis 8:22 is a guarantee that we have nothing to worry about until God wraps this whole thing up (and He will).  You nor I can save the planet (and it does not need saving)  and if we could it would do us absolutely no good if we go to Hell without believing on the Lord Jesus Christ!!

In verse 23 you have evolution on a sliding scale.   The Holy Ghost lists man at the top of the scale of those “FALSE gods” that men worship.  One has to look no further than Rome,  Hollywood, Christian TV, the music industry, politicians, or the man or woman next door for examples of humans that mankind is worshipping today.  Next the Holy Ghost lists birds and four-footed beasts, which the evolutionists and the global warming nuts prefer above their own kind. This because they believe they descended  from these creatures.    Some go even so far as to launch religious campaigns to save bugs and insects to their own demise.  Others tattoo images of scorpions, frogs, lizards, snakes,  and  the like on their bodies for superstitious reasons.  There you have it, the evolutionary scale from top to bottom, and all is vanity.

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Haven’t there been several revisions of the King James Bible since 1611?

ANSWER: No. There have been several editions but no revisions.

EXPLANATION: One of the last ditch defenses of a badly shaken critic of the Authorized version 1611 is the “revision hoax.” They run to this seeming fortress in an attempt to stave off ultimate defeat by their opponents who overwhelm their feeble arguments with historic facts, manuscript evidence and to obvious workings of the Holy Spirit. Once inside, they turn self-confidently to their foes and ask with a smug look, “Which King James do you use, the 1611 or the 1629 or perhaps the 1769?” The shock of this attack and the momentary confusion that results usually allows them time to make good their escape.

Unfortunately, upon entering their castle and closing the door behind them they find that their fortress has been systematically torn down, brick by brick, by a man named Dr. David F. Reagan.

Dr. Reagan pastors the Antioch Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. He has written a devastating expose on the early editions of the King James Bible entitled, “The King James Version of 1611–the Myth of Early Revisions.”

Dr. Reagan has done an excellent job of destroying the last stronghold of Bible critics. I see neither a way, nor a reason to try to improve on his finding. So I have secured his permission to reproduce his pamphlet in its entirety:


Men have been “handling the word of God deceitfully” (II Cor. 4:2) ever since the devil first taught Eve how. From Cain to Balaam, from Jehudi to the scribes and Pharisees, from the Dark Age theologians to present-day scholars, the living words of the Almighty God have been prime targets for man’s corrupting hand. The attacks on the Word of God are threefold: addition, subtraction, and substitution. From Adam’s day to the computer age, the strategies have remained the same. There is nothing new under the sun.

One attack which is receiving quite a bit of attention these days is a direct attack on the Word of God as preserved in the English language: the King James Version of 1611. The attack referred to is the myth which claims that since the King James Version has already been revised four times, there should be and can be no valid objection to other revisions. This myth was used by the English Revisers of 1881 and has been revived in recent years by Fundamentalist scholars hoping to sell their latest translation. This book is given as an answer to this attack. The purpose of the material is not to convince those who would deny this preservation but to strengthen the faith of those who already believe in a preserved English Bible.

One major question often arises in any attack such as this. How far should we go in answering the critics? If we were to attempt to answer every shallow objection to the infallibility of the English Bible, we would never be able to accomplish anything else. Sanity must prevail somewhere. As always, the answer is in God’s Word. Proverbs 26:4-5 states: Answer not a food according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.

Obviously, there are times when a foolish query should be ignored and times when it should be met with an answer. If to answer the attack will make you look as foolish as the attacker, then the best answer is to ignore the question. For instance, if you are told that the Bible cannot be infallible because so-and-so believes that it is, and he is divorced, then you may safely assume that silence is the best answer. On the other hand, there are often questions and problems that, if true, would be serious. To ignore these issues would be to leave the Bible attacker wise in his own conceit. I believe that the question of revisions to the King James Version of 1611 is a question of the second class. If the King James Version has undergone four major revisions of its text, then to oppose further revisions on the basis of an established English text would truly be faulty. For this reason, this attack should and must be answered. Can the argument be answered? Certainly! That is the purpose of this book.

If God did preserve His Word in the English language through the Authorized Version of 1611 (and He did), then where is our authority for the infallible wording? Is it in the notes of the translators? Or is it to be found in the proof copy sent to the printers? If so, then our authority is lost because these papers are lost. But, you say, the authority is in the first copy which came off the printing press. Alas, that copy has also certainly perished. In fact, if the printing of the English Bible followed the pattern of most printing jobs, the first copy was probably discarded because of bad quality. That leaves us with existing copies of the first printing. They are the ones often pointed out as the standard by which all other King James Bibles are to be compared. But are they? Can those early printers of the first edition not be allowed to make printing errors? We need to establish one thing from the outset. The authority for our preserved English text is not found in any human work. The authority for our preserved and infallible English text is in God! Printers may foul up at times and humans will still make plenty of errors, but God in His power and mercy will preserve His text despite the weaknesses of fallible man. Now, let us look at the pressures on a printer in the year of 1611.

Although the printing press had been invented in 1450 by Johann Gutenburg in Germany (161 years before the 1611 printing), the equipment used by the printer had changed very little. Printing was still very slow and difficult. All type was set by hand, one piece at a time (that’s one piece at a time through the whole Bible), and errors were an expected part of any completed book. Because of this difficulty and also because the 1611 printers had no earlier editions from which to profit, the very first edition of the King James version had a number of printing errors. As shall later be demonstrated, these were not the sort of textual alterations which are freely made in modern bibles. They were simple, obvious printing errors of the sort that can still be found at times in recent editions even with all of the advantages of modern printing. These errors do not render a Bible useless, but they should be corrected in later editions.

The two original printings of the Authorized Version demonstrate the difficulty of printing in 1611 without making mistakes. Both editions were printed in Oxford. Both were printed in the same year: 1611. The same printers did both jobs. Most likely, both editions were printed on the same printing press. Yet, in a strict comparison of the two editions, approximately 100 textual differences can be found. In the same vein the King James critics can find only about 400 alleged textual alterations in the King James Version after 375 years of printing and four so-called revisions! Something is rotten in Scholarsville! The time has come to examine these “revisions.”

Much of the information in this section is taken from a book by F.H.A. Scrivener called The Authorized Edition of the English Bible (1611), Its Subsequent Reprints and Modern Representatives. The book is as pedantic as its title indicates. The interesting point is that Scrivener, who published this book in 1884, was a member of the Revision Committee of 1881. He was not a King James Bible believer, and therefore his material is not biased toward the Authorized Version. In the section of Scrivener’s book dealing with the KJV “revisions,” one initial detail is striking. The first two so-called major revisions of the King James Bible occurred within 27 years of the original printing. (The language must have been changing very rapidly in those days.) The 1629 edition of the Bible printed in Cambridge is said to have been the first revision. A revision it was not, but simply a careful correction of earlier printing errors. Not only was this edition completed just eighteen years after the translation, but two of the men who participated in this printing, Dr. Samuel Ward and John Bois, had worked on the original translation of the King James Version. Who better to correct early errors than two who had worked on the original translation! Only nine years later and in Cambridge again, another edition came out which is supposed to have been the second major revision. Both Ward and Bois were still alive, but it is not known if they participated at this time. But even Scrivener, who as you remember worked on the English Revised Version of 1881, admitted that the Cambridge printers had simply reinstated words and clauses overlooked by the 1611 printers and amended manifest errors. According to a study which will be detailed later, 72% of the approximately 400 textual corrections in the KJV were completed by the time of the 1638 Cambridge edition, only 27 years after the original printing!

Just as the first two so-called revisions were actually two stages of one process–the purification of early printing errors–so the last two so-called revisions were two stages in another process–the standardization of the spelling. These two editions were only seven years apart (1762 and 1769) with the second one completing what the first had started. But when the scholars are numbering revisions, two sounds better than one. Very few textual corrections were necessary at this time. The thousands of alleged changes are spelling changes made to match the established correct forms. These spelling changes will be discussed later. Suffice it to say at this time that the tale of four major revisions is truly a fraud and a myth. But you say, there are still changes whether they be few or many. What are you going to do with the changes that are still there? Let us now examine the character of these changes.

Suppose someone were to take you to a museum to see an original copy of the King James Version. You come to the glass case where the Bible is displayed and look down at the opened Bible through the glass. Although you are not allowed to flip through its pages, you can readily tell that there are some very different things about this Bible from the one you own. You can hardly read its words, and those you can make out are spelled in odd and strange ways. Like others before you, you leave with the impression that the King James Version has undergone a multitude of changes since its original printing in 1611. But beware, you have just been taken by a very clever ploy. The differences you saw are not what they seem to be. Let’s examine the evidence.

Printing Changes

For proper examination, the changes can be divided into three kinds: printing changes, spelling changes, and textual changes. Printing changes will be considered first. The type style used in 1611 by the KJV translators was the Gothic Type Style. The type style you are reading right now and are familiar with is Roman Type. Gothic Type is sometimes called Germanic because it originated in Germany. Remember, that is where printing was invented. The Gothic letters were formed to resemble the hand-drawn manuscript lettering of the Middle Ages. At first, it was the only style in use. The Roman Type Style was invented fairly early, but many years passed before it became the predominant style in most European countries. Gothic continued to be used in Germany until recent years. In 1611 in England, Roman Type was already very popular and would soon supersede the Gothic. However, the original printers chose the Gothic Style for the KJV because it was considered to be more beautiful and eloquent than the Roman. But the change to Roman Type was not long in coming. In 1612, the first King James Version using Roman Type was printed. Within a few years, all the Bibles printed used the Roman Type Style.

Please realize that a change in type style no more alters the text of the Bible than a change in format or type size does. However, the modern reader who has not become familiar with Gothic can find it very difficult to understand. Besides some general change in form, several specific letter changes need to be observed. For instance, the Gothic “s” looks like the Roman “s” when used as a capital letter or at the end of a word. But when it is used as a lower case “s” at the beginning or in the middle of a word, the letter looks like our “f.” Therefore, also becomes alfo and set becomes fet. Another variation is found in the German “v” and “u.” The Gothic “v” looks like a Roman “u” while the Gothic “u” looks like a Roman “v.” This explains why our “w” is called a double-u and not a double-v. Sound confusing? It is until you get used to it. In the 1611 edition, love is loue, us is vs, and ever is euer. But remember, these are not even spelling changes. They are simply type style changes. In another instance, the Gothic “j” looks like our “i.” So Jesus becomes Iefus (notice the middle “s” changed to “f”) and joy becomes ioy. Even the Gothic “d” had the stem leaning back over the circle in a shape resembling that of the Greek Delta. These changes account for a large percentage of the “thousands” of changes in the KJV, yet they do no harm whatsoever to the text. They are nothing more than a smokescreen set up by the attackers of our English Bible.

Spelling Changes

Another kind of change found in the history of the Authorized Version are changes of orthography or spelling. Most histories date the beginning of Modern English around the year 1500. Therefore, by 1611 the grammatical structure and basic vocabulary of present-day English had long been established. However, the spelling did not stabilize at the same time. In the 1600s spelling was according to whim. There was no such thing as correct spelling. No standards had been established. An author often spelled the same word several different ways, often in the same book and sometimes on the same page. And these were the educated people. Some of you reading this today would have found the 1600s a spelling paradise. Not until the eighteenth century did the spelling begin to take a stable form. Therefore, in the last half of the eighteenth century, the spelling of the King James Version of 1611 was standardized.

What kind of spelling variations can you expect to find between your present edition and the 1611 printing? Although every spelling difference cannot be categorized, several characteristics are very common. Additional “e”‘s were often found at the end of the words such as feare, darke, and beare. Also, double vowels were much more common than they are today. You would find mee, bee, and mooued instead of me, be, and moved. Double consonants were also much more common. What would ranne, euill, and ftarres be according to present- day spelling? See if you can figure them out. The present-day spellings would be ran, evil, and stars. These typographical and spelling changes account for almost all of the so-called thousands of changes in the King James Bible. None of them alter the text in any way. Therefore they cannot be honestly compared with thousands of true textual changes which are blatantly made in the modern versions.

Textual Changes

Almost all of the alleged changes have been accounted for. We now come to the question of actual textual differences between our present editions and that of 1611. There are some differences between the two, but they are not the changes of a revision. They are instead the correction of early printing errors. That this is a fact may be seen in three things: (1) the character of the changes, (2) the frequency of the changes throughout the Bible, and (3) the time the changes were made. First, let us look at the character of the changes made from the time of the first printing of the Authorized English Bible. The changes from the 1611 edition that are admittedly textual are obviously printing errors because of the nature of these changes. They are not textual changes made to alter the reading. In the first printing, words were sometimes inverted. Sometimes a plural was written as singular or vice versa. At times a word was miswritten for one that was similar. A few times a word or even a phrase was omitted. The omissions were obvious and did not have the doctrinal implications of those found in modern translations. In fact, there is really no comparison between the corrections made in the King James text and those proposed by the scholars of today.

F.H.A. Scrivener, in the appendix of his book, lists the variations between the 1611 edition of the KJV and later printings. A sampling of these corrections is given below. In order to be objective, the samples give the first textual correction on consecutive left-hand pages of Scrivener’s book. The 1611 reading is given first; then the present reading; and finally, the date the correction was first made.

1 this thing–this thing also (1638)

2 shalt have remained–ye shall have remained (1762)

3 Achzib, nor Helbath, nor Aphik–of Achzib, nor of Helbath, nor of Aphik (1762)

4 requite good–requite me good (1629)

5 this book of the Covenant–the book of this covenant (1629)

6 chief rulers–chief ruler (1629)

7 And Parbar–At Parbar (1638)

8 For this cause–And for this cause (1638)

9 For the king had appointed–for so the king had appointed (1629)

10 Seek good–seek God (1617)

11 The cormorant–But the cormorant (1629)

12 returned–turned (1769)

13 a fiery furnace–a burning fiery furnace (1638)

14 The crowned–Thy crowned (1629)

15 thy right doeth–thy right hand doeth (1613)

16 the wayes side–the way side (1743)

17 which was a Jew–which was a Jewess (1629)

18 the city–the city of the Damascenes (1629)

19 now and ever–both now and ever (1638)

20 which was of our father’s–which was our fathers (1616)

Before your eyes are 5% of the textual changes made in the King James Version in 375 years. Even if they were not corrections of previous errors, they would be of no comparison to modern alterations. But they are corrections of printing errors, and therefore no comparison is at all possible. Look at the list for yourself and you will find only one that has serious doctrinal implications. In fact, in an examination of Scrivener’s entire appendix, it is the only variation found by this author that could be accused of being doctrinal. I am referring to Psalm 69:32 where the 1611 edition has “seek good” when the Bible should have read “seek God.” Yet, even with this error, two points demonstrate that this was indeed a printing error. First, the similarity of the words “good” and “God” in spelling shows how easily a weary typesetter could misread the proof and put the wrong word in the text. Second, this error was so obvious that it was caught and corrected in the year 1617, only six years after the original printing and well before the first so-called revision. The myth that there are several major revisions to the 1611 KJV should be getting clearer. But there is more.

Not only does the character of the changes show them to be printing errors, so does their frequency. Fundamentalist scholars refer to the thousands of revisions made to the 1611 as if they were on a par with the recent bible versions. They are not. The overwhelming majority of them are either type style or spelling changes. The few which do remain are clearly corrections of printing errors made because of the tediousness involved in the early printing process. The sample list given above will demonstrate just how careful Scrivener was in listing all the variations. Yet, even with this great care, only approximately 400 variations are named between the 1611 edition and modern copies. Remember that there were 100 variations between the first two Oxford editions which were both printed in 1611. Since there are almost 1200 chapters in the Bible, the average variation per chapter (after 375 years) is one third, i.e., one correction per every three chapters. These are changes such as “chief rulers” to “chief ruler” and “And Parbar” to “At Parbar.” But there is yet one more evidence that these variations are simply corrected printing errors: the early date at which they were corrected.

The character and frequency of the textual changes clearly separate them from modern alterations. But the time the changes were made settles the issue absolutely. The great majority of the 400 corrections were made within a few years of the original printing. Take, for example, our earlier sampling. Of the twenty corrections listed, one was made in 1613, one in 1616, one in 1617, eight in 1629, five in 1638, one in 1743, two in 1762, and one in 1769. That means that 16 out of 20 corrections, or 80%, were made within twenty-seven years of the 1611 printing. That is hardly the long drawn out series of revisions the scholars would have you to believe. In another study made by examining every other page of Scrivener’s appendix in detail, 72% of the textual corrections were made by 1638. There is no “revision” issue.

The character of the textual changes is that of obvious errors. The frequency of the textual changes is sparse, occurring only once per three chapters. The chronology of the textual changes is early with about three fourths of them occurring within twenty-seven years of the first printing. All of these details establish the fact that there were no true revisions in the sense of updating the language or correcting translation errors. There were only editions which corrected early typographical errors. Our source of authority for the exact wording of the 1611 Authorized Version is not in the existing copies of the first printing. Our source of authority for the exact wording of our English Bible is in the preserving power of Almighty God. Just as God did not leave us the original autographs to fight and squabble over, so He did not see fit to leave us the proof copy of the translation. Our authority is in the hand of God as always. You can praise the Lord for that!

An in-depth study of the changes made in the book of Ecclesiastes would help to illustrate the principles stated above. The author is grateful to Dr. David Reese of Millbrook, Alabama, for his work in this area. By comparing a 1611 reprint of the original edition put out by Thomas Nelson & Sons with recent printing of the King James Version, Dr. Reese was able to locate four variations in the book of Ecclesiastes. The reference is given first; then the text of the Thomas Nelson 1611 reprint. This is followed by the reading of the present editions of the 1611 KJV and the date the change was made:

1 1:5 the place–his place (1638)

2 2:16 shall be–shall all be (1629)

3 8:17 out, yea further–out, yet he shall not find it; yea farther (1629)

4 11:17 thing is it–thing it is (?)

Several things should be noted about these changes. The last variation (“thing is it” to “thing it is”) is not mentioned by Scrivener who was a very careful and accurate scholar. Therefore, this change may be a misprint in the Thomas Nelson reprint. That would be interesting. The corrected omission in chapter eight is one of the longest corrections of the original printing. But notice that it was corrected in 1629. The frequency of printing errors is average (four errors in twelve chapters). But the most outstanding fact is that the entire book of Ecclesiastes reads exactly like our present editions without even printing errors by the year 1638. That’s more than 350 years ago. By that time, the Bible was being printed in Roman type. Therefore, all (and I mean all) that has changed in 350 years in the book of Ecclesiastes is that the spelling has been standardized! As stated before, the main purpose of the 1629 and 1638 Cambridge editions was the correction of earlier printing errors. And the main purpose of the 1762 and 1769 editions was the standardization of spelling.

Maybe now you see that the King James Version of 1611 has not been revised but only corrected. But why does it make that much difference? Although there are several reasons why this issue is important, the most pressing one is that fundamentalist scholars are using this myth of past revisions to justify their own tampering with the text. The editors of the New King James Version have probably been the worst in recent years to use this propaganda ploy. In the preface of the New King James they have stated, “For nearly four hundred years, and throughout several revisions of its English form, the King James Bible has been deeply revered among the English- speaking peoples of the world.” In the midst of their flowery rhetoric, they strongly imply that their edition is only a continuation of the revisions that have been going on for the past 375 years. This implication, which has been stated directly by others, could not be more false. To prove this point, we will go back to the book of Ecclesiastes.

An examination of the first chapter in Ecclesiastes in the New King James Version reveals approximately 50 changes from our present edition. In order to be fair, spelling changes (cometh to comes; labour to labor, etc.) were not included in this count. That means there are probably about 600 alterations in the book of Ecclesiastes and approximately 60,000 changes in the entire Bible. If you accuse me of including every recognizable change, you are correct. But I am only counting the sort of changes which were identified in analyzing the 1611 King James. That’s only fair. Still, the number of changes is especially baffling for a version which claims to be an updating in the same vein as earlier revisions. According to the fundamentalist scholar, the New King James is only a fifth in a series of revisions. Then pray tell me how four “revisions” and 375 years brought only 400 changes while the fifth revision brought about 60,000 additional changes? That means that the fifth revision made 150 times more changes than the total number of changes in the first four! That’s preposterous!

Not only is the frequency of the changes unbelievable, but the character of the alterations is serious. Although many of the alterations seem harmless enough at first glance, many are much more serious. The editors of the New King James Version were sly enough not to alter the most serious blunders of the modern bibles. Yet, they were not afraid to change the reading in those places that are unfamiliar to the average fundamentalist. In these areas, the New King James Version is dangerous. Below are some of the more harmful alterations made in the book of Ecclesiastes. The reference is given first; then the reading as found in the King James Version; and last, the reading as found in the New King James Version.

1:13 sore travail; grievous task

1:14 vexation of spirit; grasping for the wind

1:16 my heart had great experience of wisdom; My heart has understood great wisdom

2:3 to give myself unto; to gratify my flesh with

2:3 acquainting; guiding

2:21 equity; skill

3:10 the travail, which God hath given; the God-given task

3:11 the world; eternity

3:18 that might manifest them; God tests them

3:18 they themselves are beasts; they themselves are like beasts

3:22 portion; heritage

4:4 right work; skillful work

5:1 Keep thy foot; Walk prudently

5:6 the angel; the messenger of God

5:8 he that is higher than the highest; high official

5:20 God answereth him; God keeps him busy

6:3 untimely birth; stillborn child

7:29 inventions; schemes

8:1 boldness; sternness

8:10 the place of the holy; the place of holiness

10:1 Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour; Dead flies putrefy the perfumer’s ointment

10:10 If the iron be blunt; If the ax is dull

10:10 wisdom is profitable to direct; wisdom brings success

12:9 gave good heed; pondered

12:11 the masters of assemblies; scholars

This is only a sampling of the changes in the book, but notice what is done. Equity, which is a trait of godliness, becomes skill (2:21). The world becomes eternity (3:11). Man without God is no longer a beast but just like a beast (3:18). The clear reference to deity in Ecclesiastes 5:8 (“he that is higher than the highest”) is successfully removed (“higher official”). But since success is what wisdom is supposed to bring us (10:10), this must be progress. At least God is keeping the scholars busy (5:20). Probably the most revealing of the above mentioned changes is the last one listed where “the masters of assemblies” become “scholars.” According to the New King James, “the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd.” The masters of assemblies are replaced by the scholars who become the source of the Shepherd’s words. That is what these scholars would like us to think, but it is not true.

In conclusion, the New King James is not a revision in the vein of former revisions of the King James Version. It is instead an entirely new translation. As stated in the introduction, the purpose of this book is not to convince those who use the other versions. The purpose of this book is to expose a fallacious argument that has been circulating in fundamentalist circles for what it is: an overblown myth. That is, the myth that the New King James Version and others like it are nothing more than a continuation of revisions which have periodically been made to the King James Version since 1611. There is one problem with this theory. There are no such revisions.

The King James Bible of 1611 has not undergone four (or any) major revisions. Therefore, the New King James Version is not a continuation of what has gone on before. It should in fact be called the Thomas Nelson Version. They hold the copyright. The King James Version we have today has not been revised but purified. We still have no reason to doubt that the Bible we hold in our hands is the very word of God preserved for us in the English language. The authority for its veracity lies not in the first printing of the King James Version in 1611, or in the character of King James I, or in the scholarship of the 1611 translators, or in the literary accomplishments of Elizabethan England, or even in the Greek Received Text. Our authority for the infallible words of the English Bible lies in the power and promise of God to preserve His Word! God has the power. We have His Word.

Individual copies of Dr. Reagan’s excellent pamphlet can be obtained from:
Antioch Baptist Church
5709 N. Broadway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37918
(615) 688-0780
From The Answer Book, A Helpbook for Christians by Dr. Samuel Gipp.


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20 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam and Mohammed

#1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”

#2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”


#3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

#4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

#5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.

#6 “Islam has always been part of America”

#7 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities

#8 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

#9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

#10 “I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”

#11 “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

#12 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

#13 “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

#14 “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

#15 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality

#16 “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”

#17 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”

#18 “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”

#19 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

#20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

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ROMANS 1:26,27 Bible Study

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is AGAINST NATURE:  And likewise also the men, leaving the NATURAL USE of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another:  men with men working that which is UNSEEMLY, and receiving in themselves that RECOMPENCE OF THEIR ERROR which was meet.  Romans 1:26, 27

Here, Paul, a holy man of God is speaking again as always as he is moved by the Holy Ghost while addressing the filthy sins of the sodomite community.  Much can be said about this passage of scripture, but we will hone in on a few words that describe the activities and results of the sodomite’s behavior.

AGAINST NATURE: Doth not nature teach you?, that the behavior of the sodomite (male and female) on a grand scale could wipe out entire nations by the lack of reproduction?  Nature, itself teaches that a male plus a female = another male or female to continue the existence of a particular species.  This includes man kind.

NATURAL USE: The silly sodomite can just simply look at his, her, or its parents and quickly figure out that a man and a man, or  a woman and a woman is not the natural flow of things.  Silly sodomite, how do you think you got here?

UNSEEMLY:  If you think two men or two women kissing each other in public is disgusting; just think for a brief moment what they are doing to one another behind closed doors!  YUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RECOMPENCE OF THEIR ERROR:  Look at the disease called AIDS that is rampant among the QUEER COMMUNITYAnd have you notice how men in the sodomite life style begin to act like sissies with over exaggerated female gestures?  And the women begin to dress like men with short hair cuts, men’s shoes, and the like.  What a thing man, what a thing.


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President Bush on Islam

Well, first of all, I believe in an Almighty God, and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God. That’s what I believe. I believe that Islam is a great religion that preaches peace. by George W. Bush

In one broad sweep, President Bush just denied the One True God of the AV1611 Holy Bible.  Let us take a look at what the Living God has to say about President Bush’s ecumenical beliefs.

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who CONFESS NOT that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.  THIS IS A DECEIVER AND AN ANTICHRIST…WHOSOEVER  transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God…  2John 7&9

Now then, where does that leave President Bush and YOU if you believe like he does?

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Always, always remember there is NO SUCH THING as a non-radical Muslim.  There is no room for the Islamic religion in a Republic such as the United States or elsewhere.  There is no room for Islam on this planet.  Jesus Christ will eradicate Islam when he comes to rule this planet with an iron fist from the Holy City of Jerusalem.  You have God’s word on it; see the AV1611 Holy Bible (of course) for details.

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By Dwane Karr

For those who don’t really know what it will be like in the Tribulation. Let God provide a very vivid picture for you in Isaiah chapter 24.

Isa.24:1 “Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
2 And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken this word.
4 The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left.

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A dear reader of Ezekiel3 submitted the following in the comment section on three different posts about Islam.  I thought it was good enough to share here for my reading audience.  I did not want you to miss this little jewel of wisdom.  Here it is exactly like I received it.

submitted by Roseanne Scarlata

“Something to consider. This is why we are in big trouble. Can Muslims be Good Americans?  Can a devout Muslim be an American patriot and a loyal citizen?

Consider this:
1)Theologically, no. Because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.
2)Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Qur’an.
3)Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer 5 times a day.
4)Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
5)Politically, no. Because he must submit to the mullah (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.
6)Domestically, no, because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him. (Qur’an 4:34). Can you see a court case brewing here?
7)Religiously, no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam. (Qur’an, 2:256)
8)Intellectually, no, because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
9)Philosophically, no, because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an do not allow freedom of religion and expression.
10)Spiritually, no, because when we declare “one nation under God,” the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as our heavenly father, nor is he ever called Love in the Qur’an’s 99 excellent names.

Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist.

Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic. Therefore after much study and deliberation perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both good Muslims and good Americans.

Call it what you wish…it’s still the truth. If you find yourself intellectually in agreement with the above, perhaps you will share this with your friends. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country. Pass it on. The war is bigger than we know.

To be “All-American”… One must support the Constitution and the principles of our Founding Fathers. There is no room for Sharia Law or supporters of that backwards Islamic system of laws.”



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Hebrew – Final Exam

Attention Bible Correctors 

Below is a segment taken from an Ezekiel3 post in Hebrew.   Each Hebrew student, teacher, or Bible corrector is now asked to translate this segment back into English and post their translation in the comment section at bottom of this page.  We will be waiting for you to pass in your Final Test.  We will not deduct for punctuation. No looking at anyone’s answers now. lol  Ready set –  GOoooo!!!

 ל השליח האם אתה יודע אם יש הבדל או שתוכל להסביר כיצד ההצעה השנייה של אלוהים ליהודים הסתיימה בסקילה של סטיבן אני שואל את השאלות הללו מתוך חשש שבשורת בריטניה היא עדיין הטיפה במקום כנסיית בשורת הגיל של גרייס על ידי כופרים מודרניים  אני

Well, we are waiting for you to hand in your test or at least admit that you do not know Hebrew to get an “A” for the course.  Even if you failed Ezekiel3’s “Hebrew and Greek Quiz and Test given here before,  you will have passed this  course if you get an “A” on this Final Exam.

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by Dwane Karr

If  I asked you the difference between the Gospel of the Kingdom preached by Jesus and the twelve apostles and the  Gospel of Grace given to and  preached by the Apostle Paul, would you have known there was a difference?   Would you know if there was a difference or be able to explain how God’s second offer to the Jews ended with the stoning of Stephen?  I ask these questions out of concern that the Kingdom Gospel is still being preached instead of the Church Age Gospel of Grace by modern heretics.  I’m  asking these questions because the Acts of  the Apostles is a transition book and many are deriving false doctrines and teachings from this book in the word of God.  Let us attempt to set the record straight.

The Book of Acts begins with God giving Israel a second chance to receive Jesus Christ their Messiah after they had rejected crucified Him. (Acts 1-7).  God’s second chance offer ended with the stoning of Stephen.  The Kingdom Gospel was still being preached up until the end of Acts 7.  Do you know the Church Age Gospel of Grace given to the Apostle Paul and the Kingdom Gospel preached during the ministry of Jesus Christ and to the end of Acts 7 are not the same Gospel?   These different Gospels  are not for the same people in the same dispensations.  The first; the Kingdom Gospel;  is for the Jews and the second; the Grace Gospel; is for the Gentiles and the Jews in the Church age.  Things that are  different are not alike or the same.

Do you realize if Israel had received Jesus Christ in Acts 1-7 there would have been no Church Age?   The baptism in Acts 2 is the baptism of John the Baptist.  Rightly Dividing the word of truth is critical to getting the Bible right.  Why am I talking about this? Because there were NO CHRISTIANS IN ACTS 2.  I am trying to give you light so  you see  that Acts 2:38 is not Gentile baptism.   That is why it was done in the name of Jesus.

Honestly, how could there be any Christians there in Acts 1-7 when the word Christian does not show up until Acts 11:26?  “And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.”  In Acts 2 nobody had any knowledge of the Apostle Paul’s Gospel of Grace, our gospel in this Church Age.   During Acts 1-7 Paul was still a devout member of the Sanhedrin and persecuting all those who did believe Jesus was the Messiah.  A man must understand that or he will never get his Bible right.  If no one on Earth knew anything about our gospel and thus no one was, or could have been a Church Age Christian at that time; why in the world would anyone think Acts 2:38 was the way Christians are saved today?  Baptisimal regerationists will  quote Acts 3:19.  In it Peter was preaching the message of National Repentance hoping they would convert, (The Religious and Political leaders of Israel) and if they would have then the National sins would have been blotted out.  They didn’t then and they won’t  convert now and have their sins blotted out until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.   Acts 1-7 was  Israels second chance. There are no Christians in Acts 1-7.

The first Gentile man converted like we are was the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8.  After Stephens stoning, Israel’s 2nd chance was over and God turned to the Gentiles. Before that all the dealings were between Israel and God. If you want to talk about how men are saved today in the Church Age you must start with Acts 8 through Philemon, that is where you will find our Church Age Doctrine.   Paul is the last Apostle and the Apostle to the Gentiles (Rom. 11:13 1Cor.  15:8)

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Joseph LaClair Rebuked by Dwane Karr

Joseph LaClair a defender of the Churches of Christ their false doctrines along with heretic Mack Lyon, challenged Dwane Karr concerning the false doctrine of salvation by works.  Dwane answered the challenge in the post below.  Lets see how that old Water Dog, Joseph LaClair answers.

We are saved by Grace through Faith.  Sure a man repents but what do you think repentance is? Repentance is a change of mind. A man is to turn from unbelief to belief. Believe and Receive. Grace through Faith. Of course God supplies the Grace. For that matter He also gives us the Faith to believe. Eph.2:8: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Even the Faith is “not of yourselves”. There is salvation by Grace through faith.

Do you understand progressive revelation? You must be real careful in Acts. Things are changing. For that matter do you even understand the difference between the Kingdom Gospel and our Gospel of the Grace of God (Acts 20:24)? How about this; Acts 15:7 ” And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and BELIEVE.
8) And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; 9)and put no difference between us and them, PURIFYING THEIR HEARTS BY FAITH.”

He was clearly referring to (Acts 10) where he was summoned to the house of Cornelius to preach Jesus Christ to them so they could be saved. Now note (vs 44) ” While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word.” Glory to God, they got saved! Now After they got saved they got baptized just as they should do, (vs 47) “Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?”  Note (vs 48) as well.”

And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord.” They get saved. Then they get baptized as a public profession of what they had done. And they are baptized in the {{ Name of the LORD }}. Of course “The Lord” is used in the NT for all three persons of the Godhead, Father (Jude 5), the Son (Phil.2:11), and “the Holy Ghost” (2 Cor.3:17). That is Gentile Baptism after salvation. I told you that you have to be careful in Acts. Acts two is a Jewish Baptism . That is why it is in the name of Jesus.  Just as John the Baptist did it. As for (1 Pet.3:21) the verse begins showing you it is “The like figure”. It pictures the salvation that takes place before Baptism. He further shows you it is not washing away sins for he says “not the putting away of the filth of the flesh”, but “the answer of a good conscience toward God”.  A public profession of the fact you got saved. he compares our salvation to Noah’s. Why? Because Noah was saved by getting into the Ark.  We are saved by getting into Jesus Christ. And to top it all off Joseph LaClair, NOAH DIDN’T EVEN GET WET!!!! He was saved by staying ON TOP OF THE WATER. By the way I gave you Two passages that say you are saved by Faith, Grace through Faith + Nothing.  Cornelius was an example of being saved by Faith + Nothing.

One more before I go, (Gal.3:14) ” That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might RECEIVE THE PROMISE OF THE SPIRIT THROUGH FAITH.” Good thing you are not a betting man Joseph LaClair or you would owe me 4 grand! LOL

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Just the title of this post will throw Charismatics into an ecclesiastical tale spin.  First Corinthians chapter 14, verses 27 through 34 lay down the law concerning speaking in tongues.   Question is, have the modern Charismatics read and understood what the Bible says about the modern tongue phenomenon of today?

Even though the above passage of scripture gives rules for speaking in tongues, no Charismatic or Pentecostal pays any attention to what the Bible writ has to say in 1Cor. 14.

  1. NO WOMAN, is to speak in tongues in the assembly ( 1Cor. 14:34).
  2. ONLY MEN are to speak (1Cor. 14:34).
  3. ONLY TWO OR THREE are to speak in any one service (1Cor. 14:29).
  4. ONLY ONE AT A TIME can talk in tongues (1Cor. 14:31).
  5. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT if no one can interpret what you say (1Cor. 14:28).

The five conditions I listed above are not suggestions, but rather commandments from the Lord Jesus Christ himself.  If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord (1Cor. 14: 37).  First Corinthians chapter 14 puts it in black and white; the modern Charismatic movement is not Biblical because it does not measure up to Biblical standards put forth in God’s Holy BibleLet God’s words be true and every man a liar that does not agree with God’s words.  Now, where does that leave the modern Charismatic and Pentecostal?  Hmmm.

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Mack Lyon-Drowned?

Mack Lyon was so pre-occupied with mis-quoting Acts 2:38 that he drowned in the baptistery of unbelief.  Ol Mack chose to leave out part of Acts 2:38 like any loyal Churches of Christ stooge and then add to the Acts 2:37 to make both verses FIT their watered down theology.

When ol Mack or Joseph LaClair or any other heretic are  placing their eternal bets on Acts 2:37 and Acts 2:38 it sounds like this.  Men and brethren what shall we do to be saved?  Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be bup-tizedWhen a Water Dog misquotes the Scripture in this manner he or she is hoping that you will not look at the AV1611 Holy Bible for yourself.  But we here at Ezekiel 3 believe in living by every word of God with nothing added.  Below is exactly how the Holy Ghost wanted it to be said.

…Men and brethren, what shall we do?  Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,… Acts 2:37, 38 (partial quote)

These verses were written in regard to the nation of Israel, not individuals in the Church Age.  These Jewish leaders were asking the questions  in regard to having just killed their King.  The Water Dogs and Mud Puppies add to the Scripture with “to be saved” and leave out every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ.”  Remember individual salvation and the Gospel as given to Paul was not being discussed in chapter 2 of Acts.

These Water Dogs and Mud Puppies purposely leave out and add to the words of God to mislead you into and eternal Hell along with them.  See Ezekiel 3’s posts on dispensations for a better understanding of how to rightly divide the words of God.

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Ronald Reagan on the AV1611 Holy Bible

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Many professing Christians are coming out in support of Donald Trump as the Republican candidate for President of the United States.  Ezekiel3 thinketh otherwise.

Proverbs 29:2 tells us, when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

I was only able to catch a portion of the first Republican debate on the internet due to a lack of cable service in our home.  But I did hear at least two or three candidates give as good a Born Again Testimony as I have ever heard.  Why are Christians not supporting one of these candidates? Hmm. And, if my memory serves me correctly, Donald Trump testifies that he is either a Presbyterian or Episcopalian (I cannot remember which), neither of which teach Biblical Christianity, and are nothing more than Roman Catholic Lite.  Trump would not even let the name of Jesus Christ come out of his lips during the debate. Why?   In addition it has been reported that Trumps current wife starred in a lesbian porn film, and there has been no report of her repenting.

May I ask this question?  Could we be casting our hopes on  another Caucasian version of Obama?  By this I mean wicked and antichrist to the core.

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Today is not the day of miracles, expecting your miracle, claiming your miracle  as  propagated by the AV1611 Bible ignorant Charismatics.

It is the day when “the just shall live by faith”, with the Holy Spirit speaking through the scriptures and the ordinary, everyday events in life ( Job 9: 10-21, 23: 3-10 and 13-16).

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EPHESIANS 5:19 “christian rock” the WORSHIP OF WORSHIP

The serpentine “spirit” behind christian rock, christian rap, and CCM has slithered into the house of the living God disguised as contemporary worship.  God’s house; the ground and pillar of the truth; is being polluted by the devil’s music!  Contemporary worship is not the worship of Jesus Christ, rather it is little more than vain repetition of shallow lyrics, accompanied by a jungle beat.  More time and effort is given to the mu-sick than to rightly dividing the word of God and preaching it.

Questions.  Does today’s contemporary church look and sound like the church of the Lord Jesus Christ that is pure, spotless, separated from the world, and overcomes the world?  Is this the church of the living God–where such horrible musical blasphemy is welcomed, as long as its wrapped in the sheep’s clothing of religion?  Should God’s house be a place where devils can express themselves through the medium of rock, rap, and CCM?  Guardian angels must recoil in utter shock as they observe what God’s people promote or tolerate in the name of worship.  What kind of Christian would tolerate and applaud music that makes the holy angels blush; they say they are Christ’s but their gospel is another gospel and their Jesus is another Jesus.

The two preceding paragraphs have been a test for you.  If the above statements and questions angered you or make you feel uneasy, you are on the wrong side of the rock, rap, and contemporary worship issue.  True saints of God who have been born again will say ” The LORD hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious, neither turned away my back”. (Is. 50:5)  To the  still-borns  those who were spiritually aborted the prophet says, ” …their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach: they have no delight in it…some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling. (Jer. 6:10 1Tim. 1:6)

Hundreds of thousands who profess Jesus Christ are turning from the word of the living God to feed on ashes.  While attempting to address the dangers of rock music among Christians at rock concerts I have been mocked and attacked with verbal violence and even threatened with physical violence by promoters, c-rock fans and yes, even an American Baptist Church in Barboursville, WV physically threatened us when we shared the truth about christian rock blasphemy.

Jesus warned we will know them by their fruit!  Does christian rock, rap and CCM used in contemporary worship services produce good fruit?  Does it produce a broken and contrite heart, a hunger and thirst for righteousness, or conviction of sin?  Think about these questions and be honest with yourself and with Jesus.  The Bible teaches in Genesis 1:12 that fruit would have the seed within itself, after his kind.  Rock, rap, and all gutter music is the fruit of wickedness and therefore can only bear fruit like unto itself.  How in the name of all that is holy can we plant the seeds of rock, rap, and gutter mu-sick in the church and expect God to accept it, let alone bless it?

Let’s take a look at the seed and fruit of rock, rap, and all gutter mu-sick, thus we will see where c-rock, c-rap, and contemporary music have their beginning and their end.

The Beetles in the 60’s exalted themselves above all that was called God, and mocked the Lord Jesus Christ, your Saviour.  Religious music festivals attended by “Christian” youth are modeled after the New York Woodstock festival.  The rebellious at Woodstock were high on rock music and drugs for days, thus spawning a generation that went forth sowing seeds of godlessness.  From it beginning rock has produced nothing but wicked fruit, therefore rock in any form has no place in God’s house.  Rap is nothing more than filthy communication and gutter language set to a jungle beat and cadence.  Rap has produce a new generation of rebellious youth.  Rappers in the church and out cannot perform their blasphemy with out body gestures that resemble a devil possessed heathen.  The dance moves of rappers appear as though they choreographed by Satan himself.  The ecumenical serpentine spirit has convinced many pastors to invite these God mocking heathens into their worship service, and then blame God the Holy Ghost for their decision.  BE CAREFUL PASTOR, NEXT TIME GOD MAY NOT FORGIVE YOU!!!

Many claim a move of the Holy Ghost in the contemporary worship services.  Oh Pleeease!  Allow me to redirect your ecclesiastical fleshly mind concerning the matter.  This generation of “Christians” hold the word of God in contempt, and have become bored with “speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord” (Eph. 5:19).  But instead rockers and rappers “rebelled, and vexed his holy Spirit:  he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them” (Is. 63:10).  So-called “christian rock, rap, and CCM are devilish in origin and character and are used solely by those who serve another Christ – a false Christ.  Those who worship Jesus Christ the Saviour revealed in the King James Bible (the AV1611) will forsake this musical blasphemy and leave this abomination in God’s house to the backsliders and reprobates.

Travesty of travesties, we have an entire generation being deceived by the musical prophets.  People looking for the truth of the gospel, come to a church supposing it to be the ground and pillar of the truth in Jesus Christ, only to find foolish pastors who promote this blasphemous  worship and a watered down gospel.

Contemporary/contemptible pastors preach a feel good message and seldom if ever make a reference to the Bible, sin, or the judgement of God because they fear the people and the loss of filth lucre.  Meanwhile a feel good spirit envelops the service and sinners have a false religious experience, not realizing they are moved by pure emotion and mu-sick.  Continuing on these still-born never come to knowledge of the truth and are spiritually aborted forever.  Sadly at the White Throne Judgement they will  be surprised to see their pastor beside them as they hear Jesus say “depart from me, I never knew you”.  All of this a result of mu-sick idolatry.

Do not be deceived by the large numbers that contemporary worship produces; Jesus warned that the path to destruction was wide and full.  Jesus Christ judges a work or ministry by what sort it is, not what size it is.

STILL NOT CONVINCED?  Take this challenge.  Spend two hours in your prayer closet.  Ask Jesus to open your ears and heart.  Ask the Lord for the truth in the above listed matters.  Ask Jesus if I am right or wrong.  After prayer spend another hour in the Holy Bible (AV1611).  Then while you are MIND-FULL  of the Holy Ghost turn on your rock and rap and CCM.  You will know immediately that rock and rap and CCM belong in the gutters where it came from!  You will hear a voice behind you saying, ” This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand and when ye turn to the left” (Is. 30:21).

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ROMANS 1:24,25 Bible Study

First Commandments First

“Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:  Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.  Romans 1: 24, 25

Served the creature more than the Creator?  Who does this?  Well most everyone you know including some professing or backslidden Christians.

Even those who have trodden under foot the Son of the Living God profess and/or practice the second greatest commandment with out any regard to the greatest commandment.

First.  Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  Second. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Even Communists and Socialists live and build their governments around the second commandment.  Unsaved neighbors generally love their neighbors with no respect to the God of the AV1611 Holy Bible.

But, when you obey the second greatest commandment without regard to the first commandment and the order in which they are given to be obeyed, you are guilty of serving and worshipping the creature more than the Creator.  And so goes the world!

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But we are all as an unclean thing, AND ALL OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSES ARE AS FILTHY RAGS; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.  Is. 64:6

Imagine, if our RIGHTEOUSNESSES are as filthy rags in God’s sight; what must our SIN look like to a Holy God?

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Greek – Final Exam

Attention Bible Correctors 

Below is a segment taken from an Ezekiel3 post in Greek.   Each Greek student, teacher, or Bible corrector is now asked to translate this segment back into English and post their translation in the comment section at bottom of this page.  We will be waiting for you to pass in your Final Test.  We will not deduct for punctuation. No looking at anyone’s answers now. lol  Ready set –  GOoooo!!!

Πιστεύω ότι οποιαδήποτε απόπειρα από οποιονδήποτε για να διορθώσει ή να διευκολύνουν την » τα λόγια του Πιστεύω ότι οποιαδήποτε απόπειρα από οποιονδήποτε για να διορθώσει το κείμενο » τα λόγια του Πιστεύω ότι η Παλαιά Διαθήκη στο 

Well, we are waiting for you to hand in your test or at least admit that you do not know Greek to get an “A” for the course.  Even if you failed Ezekiel3’s “Hebrew and Greek Quiz and Test given here before,  you will have passed this  course if you get an “A” on this Final Exam.


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Lev 19:9 “Food Stamp Program”

God’s Plan vs. Government  Plan by Dwane Karr

You know,  God instituted something like America’s food stamp program under the Mosaic law to feed the poor.

Lev.19:9 “And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest.
10 And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the LORD your God.”

Of course God’s program would not work in America. The poor in America would be grieved if they had to pick up the food before they ate it.

Prov.26:15 ” The slothful hideth his hand in his bosom; it grieveth him to bring it again to his mouth.”

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4th Year for EZEKIEL3.COM

Ezekiel3 is about ready to launch its 4th year1

Ezekiel3 began as a local hometown desktop publication that taught sound Biblical doctrines, warned of local and global heresies, and reported on Christian and not so Christian happenings local and otherwise.   In August of 2013 Ezekiel3 was launched world-wide via internet and now spans the globe with readers in over 200 countries or territories.

Thank YOU for helping make this possible!

Please help us help and warn others of the dangers and pitfalls that await uniformed Christians and others, as well as teach sound Biblical doctrines.  Subscribe a friend or email them a favorite Ezekiel3 post and a note encouraging them to sign up for a free subscription today! 

Yours in Christ Jesus,

Bro. Ray

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 Parkersburg’s 2016 Pagan “Extravaganza” Parade

It has been brought to my attention that organizers for the annual Easter Parade in my home town are hard at work preparing for the 2016 hometown Easter parade; a pagan “extravaganza”. 

A Christian friend of mine was shocked during a discussion about this event when  I referred to Easter as a PAGAN HOLIDAY!   I totally understand why my friend was taken back.  He, like ninety plus percent of those in churches called Christian have loved and believed a lie put forth by the Roman Catholic Church about Easter.  I will attempt to shed some AV1611 Biblical light on this pagan lie; “the holiday called Easter”; but first allow me give you some questions to ponder on as you continue to read.

The Parkersburg Easter Parade boasts an Easter bonnet competition. How does that relate to scripture?  Don’t forget the Easter Bunny will be out in full force; laying (his) Easter eggs. How do you line this old rabbit up with the Holy Scriptures?   Local churches have floats in the parade that promote their location and service times, but little or no mention of Jesus Christ.  Why is that?   The Parkersburg Easter Parade gives a prominent slot to the Roman Catholic Church, complete with a local pagan Baalite Priest passing himself off as a minister of Jesus Christ. Where  is this found in the AV1611 Holy Bible?  During Parkersburg’s Pagan Parade the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ take a backseat to bonnets and bunnies. Why is that?   To all these fore-mentioned pagan practices; Bible please?

…intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.  Acts 12:4

Parkersburg’s Easter Parade committee  gets its start in Acts chapter 12, and keeps company with Bible correctors  worldwide.  The Holy Bible (AV1611 of course) haters use this verse 12 as a springboard for their heresy.   Heretics claim the AV1611 translators made a grave mistake in Acts 12:4 , saying the word Easter should have been Passover.  So there you have it!  NO YOU DON’T!!    Stick with me while I explain, Biblically (AV1611 of course).

Kiki and other organizers from liberal Christian churches are  already weeping and wailing at what I have just written.   No doubt they will be gnashing their teeth as they continue reading.  We must understand this very important principle of the Holy Writ; if the Holy Ghost had meant to say Passover in Acts 12: 4;  He would have said Passover. But He didn’t!   It would serve us well to look at why He said Easter instead of Passover!!

Easter was celebrated by the Babylonians 1,000 years before Christ was born in Bethlehem,  and was adapted as a national Roman holiday.  Rome’s Catholic church carries on this pagan practice to this very day.  Easter falls on a different day every year because this wicked pagan holiday follows the lunar cycle.  Passover is a set day on the Jewish calendar.  Both days are  in the spring and every few years both holidays will fall  on the same SUN-day, but are not the same holiday or observed in the same way.  The Passover is a Jewish holy day,  reminding Jews that blood was put on the door posts of their homes when they were captive in Egypt.  Thus the death angel would see the blood and pass over them when he came to kill all the first-born of Egypt.

Easter is a pagan holiday celebrated world-wide. Easter embodies the worship of a perverted sex  goddess known by many names such as  Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Astarte, Demeter, Hathor, Kali, and Ostara. Does your church hold a “Sunrise Service”?  Is ham a must for your “Easter” dinner?  Do you color and hide “Easter” eggs for the children?  You can spot the origin of Sunrise Services, Easter bunnies, ham dinners and Easter eggs in the following short expose. 

Jesus rose from the dead on a certain day.  Easter follows the Equinox.  Easter celebrates the resurrection of the pagan god “Tammuz” who was believed to be the son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god.

…,there sat women weeping for Tammuz…with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east…  Ezekiel 8: 9-18

The Bible records that their was a man named Nimrod, the son  of Cush and the grandson of Ham,  and the great-grandson  of Noah.  Nimrod’s mother was Semiramis.   After the death of his father, Nimrod married Semiramis, his own mother.  At this point we can easily see how the story of Easter is getting off to a wicked start, and it gets worse from there.

Genesis 10:8-10  “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad,and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”

The Bible states that Nimrod became King.  Legend has it that Nimrod became a god-man to the people.   Semiramis, his wife/mother, became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon.  An enemy killed Nimrod and  his body was cut in pieces and scattered throughout his kingdom. Semiramis was able to have almost all the pieces of Nimrod’s body  gathered after his death except one, his reproductive organ which could not be found.  Semiramis said that the reason Nimrod could not come back to life was because the reproductive organ could not be found and hence he had ascended to the sun.  He was to be known as  ‘Baal” the sun-god.  Can you see the connection between Nimrod, Baal, and your Sunrise Service and the Roman Catholic Chruch?  Semiramis sitting as queen also claimed that “Baal” would manifest himself  in the form of a flame when  either candles or lamps were used during worship.  Hmm., it’s starting to smell much like Catholic and Protestant traditions in here.

Being guided by Satan, Semiramis was setting herself up as a goddess.  And in turn she was setting up  Nimrod her  dead husband/son to be the  sun-god “Baal”.  Semiramis, seems eerily similar to the Roman Catholic’s Mary.  Both claim immaculate conception. Semiramis’ immaculate conception came on this wise.  She  taught the moon was a goddess that went through a 28 day cycle of   ovulation  when the moon was full Semiramis claimed that after the first full moon of the Equinox, that an egg fell from the moon goddess into the Euphrates River and she was in it.

…But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven…as we have done.. Jeremiah 44: 14-23

Semiramis’ name become known as “Ishtar” and is  pronounced like the AV1611 word “Easter”.  Her moon egg was called “Ishtar’s” egg”, hence our present day Easter eggs. hmm.  From here the  plot thickens. “Ishtar”  committed fornication and became pregnant , but claimed  the rays of the sun-god Baal caused her to conceive. Yea right.  Her son’s name was Tammuz.  Convenient, huh?

Tammuz, was fond  of rabbits and legend has it, he like his supposed father (Nimrod/Baal)  became a hunter.  He was killed by a wild pig.  Queen Ishtar  said that Tammuz had ascended to his father, Baal, and the presence of both of them would now be   in the candle or lamp flame when used in worship, as Father, Son and Spirit.  Do you use candles in your church? Ishtar, now accepted  worship as the “Mother of God and Queen of Heaven”.  Do you see any resemblance of the Roman church?

Ishtar  taught  that when the wild pig killed him,  some of Tammuz’s blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and caused the stump  to grow into a  new tree overnight. The evergreen tree has become sacred in paganism ever since.  Can you see a connection between this legend and your modern X-mas tree?

Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you…Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.   They deck it with silver and gold… Jeremiah 10: 1-5

Ishtar established a forty day partial fast much like the Catholic lent.   During this time  cakes were baked with a “T” on top for this pagan Sunday holiday, much like the cross buns eaten by Catholics and Protestants today.  This mess/mass looks eerily like the Roman Catholic lent and sign of he cross.  Ishtar also instituted rabbits and the eating of ham into this pagan Sunday celebration because Tammuz liked playing with rabbits.   A  pig was killed and eaten by worshippers of Tammuz because he was killed by a wild pig.   Looks  a lot like your Easter celebration doesn’t it?!

Easter has nothing at all to do with the resurrection our Lord Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ wants nothing to do with Easter celebrations on the streets  or in your church.  Amen? AMEN One more time with feeling.  AAaaamen.!!!

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Charismatics and Pentecostals boast of the “gift of tongues and interpretation”.  I for one do not believe they have it, since the Bible (AV1611 of course) says that tongues will cease and therefore the interpretations would go out with the tongues.  And, I believe tongues have ceased if they ever did exist in the modern Charismatic or Pentecostal format.

Now, I want to present the “Speaking in Tongues” Challenge that you can take or present to any of your mislead tongue talking friends.  Here is how it works!

Go into any heretical Charismatic or Pentecostal church service and record someone speaking in tongues and themselves or another interpreting what was supposed to have been said by the tongue talker.   Next, present your recording of just the tongue talking to another mislead heretic that claims to have the “GIFT”  of interpreting unknown tongues and see if he or she can interpret the unknown tongue the same way it was done in the service you recorded.

What do you think will happen?  I predict you will hear some real sputtering going on.  This should be a lot of fun and give you an opportunity to present the gospel to these poor mislead heretics.  If you have trouble getting a recording of a tongue talker about to be interpreted, Ezekiel3 has a good sample of  false tongues and interpretation  recorded by one of our reporters on site, at The Rock Church pastored by the ‘false apostle” David Chisholm in Parkersburg, WV.  Check it out!


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TRUTH by Dwane Karr

The Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth

John 8:32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”   John 18:37 ” Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king.   To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.   Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voiAV1611..ce.”   John 16:13 “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.”  John 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” If you get to know the truth it will make you free.   Jesus Christ is the truth. He came into the world to bear witness of the truth. He sent the Spirit of truth to guide you into all truth (AV1611 Holy Bible).  Sanctification comes from knowing the truth. God’s word (AV1611 Holy Bible) is truth.

>>>>>>>This verse pulls the working all together <<<<<<< John 17:14 ” I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.”

***When God’s word (AV1611), which is truth gets inside of you and is illuminated by the Spirit of truth it reveals to you what the world is really like.  You will grow to hate the world and want nothing to do with it.  The world will see that and grow to hate you and want nothing to do with you. You will be “set apart”.   That is sanctification! ***

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No One Is Reigning In The Millennium Now!

How do I know?  Here are three easy answers; 1) The Body of Christ has not been Raptured yet. 2) The Judgment Seat of Christ has not happened yet. 3) Jesus Christ is not Reigning on the Throne in Jerusalem yet. Thus now is not the time for you to rule and reign.

It is the CROSS NOW, and the CROWN LATER! ***This is how you know the Prosperity Pimps are NOT of God*** They are trying to rule and reign before the Millennium.

We are given a great example of this with Elisha’s servant Gehazi in the story of Naaman being healed of his leprosy in 2 Kings 5. Gehazi,   Elisha’s servant schemed to get him some RICHES before the time, like the Prosperity Pimps.  Elisha foiled his plan and asked him (2 Ki.5:26) “Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and menservants, and maidservants?”  Of course not.   He got a reward of Leprosy for being a Prosperity Pimp.Bottom line, these Prosperity Pimps are trying to Reign   NOW, instead of bearing their Cross for Jesus Christ.   If (big IF) any of them are saved they will be paupers in the Millennium.   If (Real Good Possibility) they are lost, leprosy would be much preferable to what they are going to have,  while the real Saints are ruling at the right time in the Millennium with The Lord Jesus

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Pastor Clementa Pinckney Funeral Hi-Jacked!


President Obama filled in for Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as an insurrectionist at the funeral of the slain Pastor Pinckney today!   The pastor surely would not just be turning over in his grave, but spinning at HIGH ROTATION if he could witness this opportunist (Obama)  hi-jacking his funeral to cause more racial unrest.

As I’m writing, President Obama is breaking into his rendition of a Christian hymn, Amazing Grace, of which he knows nothing about because he is a closet Moslem.  Watch in the coming days as Obama follows the liberal play book of never letting a tragedy go to waste.  The tragic death of the nine murdered black Christians will be used by liberals in the coming months as they continue to work at taking away more and more  rights and liberties from American citizens.

Ezekiel3, nor anyone associated with Ezekiel3 in any way  condones the murder of these nine black Christians.  Ezekiel3 and associates look forward to the day that justice is served by the State of South Carolina on the 21 year old murderer  of these innocent worshippers.

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Women Preachers – Where Are They?


   Please, please if you support female preacherettes, enlighten us Biblically.  That’s right, get in the scriptures and dig around, thus coming up with a good ecumenical argument for allowing women to lead the church that Jesus Christ  bought with his own blood.  (HINT) The apostle Paul set down the criteria for God’s under shepards (pastors, deacons, and bishops) in the New Testament in the books of 1Timothy chapter 3 and Titus chapter 1.  Well, we are all waiting, get that Bible cracked open and share with us!

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“christian” Fleecing of America

Foolish Virgins Follow These Men

Hyper-charismatic fake healer Robert Tilton is reported to have taken in 24 million dollars into his so-called ministry in just one year.

During the Brownsville (Clownsville) Revival in Florida 6 million dollars was taken in by John Kilpatrick and his cronies over a five- period.  Not to mention the money spent by professing Christians for travel and lodging expenses while attending these episodes of heresy.

Before his death, Oral Roberts claimed that Jesus was blackmailing him with a death threat to raise 8 million dollars for his now defunct “Christian Hospital”.  And with the help of clueless Bible ignorant professing Christians he raised the money; plus all the money he had conned people out of before and after the Lord’s death threat on old Oral’s life.

Pat Robertson who is lock step with the Pope of Rome rakes in around 20 million a year.  And, tell us again how does his TV program benefit your local church? Hmm???

Benny Hinn blows you over for a cool 60 million on a good year.  Do you know of any born again, blood bought and blood kept individuals that were saved under Benny “the Comb Over” Hinn’s so-called ministry? Well?

Blinking Joel Olsteen rakes in a cool 55 million per year while making you feel good about your best life now and your personal preference of religions (aka Larry King/Joel Olsteen interview – see the YouTube video)! 

The current Pope will not release the number of millions the Vatican rakes in each year to damn souls, start wars, and persecute Christians in third world countries where no one is watching or reporting.

Now let me ask you this, do you know of anyone who was born again through the ministries that I have listed above?  Comment section is open and I will post your responses just as you write them.  Ready, set. GO!

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Rick Warren – HERETIC of the Month by Dwane Karr


Don’t be shocked.  This is what Rick Warren’s father the Devil put him in this position to do.  This should take no one by surprise.  Rick Warren’s goal is to set up the one world religion for his father the Devil to rule over.  The one world religion is shaping up very quickly of late.  All the fences are being broken down for a religion that denounces nothing and approves of everything.Note also;
2009 Rick Warren leads the formation of “Chrislam”.
Dec.3 2014 Rick Warren calls Pope Francis “The Pope of ALL CHRISTIANS”!
Feb. 2014 Pope Francis sends the historic personal film clip to the Charismatic convention of pastors headed by Kenneth Copeland which resulted in a new unification of the mother whore with Charismatics and Evangelicals. ***ICING ON THE CAKE*** Sept.2013 Pope Francis states that “All people who DO GOOD WORKS, including Atheists, ARE GOING TO HEAVEN”! And don’t forget the unholy papa has been busy kissing up to the Muslims and has spent a good deal of time in Jerusalem,(the city his father the Devil covets).
Laodicean church pastor Rick Warren appeared in Congress with pop icon and outspoken homosexual Elton John on Wednesday to ask for more money for AIDS…
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WHAT IN THE NAME OF “allah’s Camel Jockey” IS GOING ON?

Periodically I hear about a mislead and stupid young man leaving the United States of America or some other freedom loving country to join up with ISIS or some other murderous Islamic group.  But what in the name of Mohammed’s camel and Hogan’s goat is going on with teenage and young women in the United States of America?  News sources are saying that young American girls and women are being recruited via the internet to  leave our country and become the wives and play things of Islamic murders.  WHAT A THING MAN, WHAT A THING!

 Do these young women not know that the founder of Islam (Mohammed) was a pervert who married a 9 year old little girl?  Do they not know the teachings of Islam about women?  They don’t, eh?  Well please allow me to enlighten them before they decide to slip into or out of a burka.

As soon as these silly women being led away land foot on Islamic soil they will find out the following:  Islam teaches that a man is better than a woman.  Islam teaches women are intellectually inferior to men.  Islam teaches women are toys to be used by men.  Islam teaches the Devil welcomes a woman when she goes outside her house.  Islam teaches women are deficient in religion.  Islam teaches a woman cannot go to Paradise unless her husband is pleased with her.  Islam teaches there are more women in Hell than men.  Islam teaches a woman may be beaten by her husband as he pleases.

Welcome, young ladies to Islam.

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  • There are not a whole lot of us left who still believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. The primary reason for that is that most people know nothing about rightly dividing the Word of Truth any more. Now think about this. In Mark 13 we find four of the Lord’s closest disciples asking Him about the 2nd coming;  Mark 13:3,4 “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,  Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?”  As He continues to speak He goes on to tell them  in Mark 13:10 “And the gospel must first be published among all nations. The gospel He is speaking of is the Kingdom gospel preached in the Tribulation by the 144,000 witnesses. This is made absolutely clear in Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.The gospel of the Kingdom is not our gospel. Our gospel is (Acts 20:24) ” the gospel of the grace of God.”  This is the gospel revealed to Paul and the Lord said that no other gospel was to be preached during the Church Age.  Gal.1:8 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. vs.9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed. Perfectly clear! As long as we (Church Age Saints) are on this earth, according to Jesus Christ, no other gospel is to be preached or the one preaching it is Cursed!
    {{{ Obvious Conclusion }}} The Body of Christ must be removed from this planet in order for the Kingdom gospel to be preached “unto all nations”. The Kingdom gospel “must first be published among all nations” before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Nothing could be any clearer than that. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture is a fact, and must occur prior to the 144,000 Jewish Wittnesses preaching the gospel of the Kingdom worldwide.
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behead-those-who-insult-islam-london (resized to horizontal)Ask yourself and Rick Warren; how can Islam and Christianity be compatible?  Jesus commanded  us to go into all the world and  preach the gospel while being as harmless as doves.   Mohammed commanded his followers to kill us for not converting to his perverted religion.  The preaching of Jesus Christ is considered and insult to Islam.

Only a self-deluded religious fool could think that the Koran was a holy book.  Only a self-deluded religious fool could think him or herself a Christian, and give any kind of mental or spiritual ascent to the thought that Islam in any degree could be from the God who created all things.  And I mean the God of the King James Bible who has a Son, Jesus Christ the Lord!

It is high time that YOU get in THE BOOK (AV1611 Holy Bible of Course) and make sure you are Biblically saved!

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Just got word that my pastor, Myron Guiller suffered a heart attack while preaching Sunday night.  He was taken to the hospital and the heart attack was confirmed.  Please pray for this dear saint of God who has been in full time ministry for over 60 years.  He will be 82 in July and is in full time ministry and the president of Marietta Bible College. Thank you for your prayers.

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We Believe: Well Almost


I just finished looking at a local charismatic church’s statement of faith.  And this is what it said.


1. That the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are verbally inspired by God’s Holy Spirit, are inerrant in the original writings, are the Word of God, and the final authority in all matters of life and death.

Foundationally there is not a whole lot of difference between this charismatic church and the denomination I wrote about earlier in archived post titled “American Baptist Churches USA – Why I Cannot Join Them”.  Both have the same damnable heresy in common which can only fester more heresies.  They do not believe they have the words of God.  Details are in the fore-mentioned Baptist post, but we’ll touch on a few points just to be fair.

May I ask a question?   How can a church say that scripture is inerrant in the original writings and  the final authority in all matters of life and death when that church does not have a copy of the original writing or access to the original writings?  Just one more question.  If the above mentioned church had a copy of the originals could they read it?  Oops!  That just raised another question.  One more time, alright?  Thanks.  I just said a copy, but that would not be an original, correct?

Now we can see from the above paragraph that when one questions the words of God in the AV1611 there can  be no end to this folly.  I remember revealing to this pastor of the fore-mentioned church that I believed the AV1611 King James Bible was the inerrant word of God for the English-speaking people untill Jesus came back.  Judging from the pastor and his wifes reaction, I could see that I would not be welcome in that church.  Now this pastor’s website declares that he still hasn’t found the words of God, and yet he claims to preach the word of God.

The average reader would not notice this next fact contained in the pastor’s statement of faith.  The pastor does not even believe the words of God are in the originals because he said the Word of God, and did not say the words of God.  This “Word of God” clause in his statement of faith means the “message of God as this pastor sees it”.  These wolves in sheep’s clothing only mean what they want you to think they said.  Never forget, you need to pay attention to what the words of God (AV1611) say, not what some preacher says they mean or teach!

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Part 2: ROMANS 8: 2-4 Bible Study

PART 2 of 2

For the LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE in Christ Jesus HATH MADE ME FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH,  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom. 2: 2-4

Endure To The End (ETTE) reprobate street preachers do not believe in Once Saved Always Saved and go to great lengths to display signs like the one below with little regard to our Scripture in Romans Chapter two.  Let us look at some Scripture that will support Romans 2: 2-4 and in the process debunk Ruben’s Rebels.

Brad Will's photo.

Ruben’s Rebels seem to ignore the Sinful Nature of all men and women everywhere: saved and unsaved while in this body of flesh.  …Gentiles… DO BY NATURE the things contained in the law…Romans 2:14

The REBELS; going about to establish their own righteousness, Rom. 10:3  ;do not believe in imputed righteousness even in the light of the following verse that mentions Imputed Righteousness  by name and is backed up by entire New Testament.  …BLESSEDNESS of the man, unto whom God IMPUTETH RIGHTEOUSNESS WITHOUT WORKS,…

Once Save, Always Saved is disputed by ETTE crowd, who cannot offer a Biblical argument that gets off the Sermon on the Mount.

We All Sin Every Day is mocked the Rebels without taking heed to the Scripture that reminds us, …for there is no man that sinneth not. 1Kings 8:46  Do the Rebels need me to remind them of 1John chapter 1?

Filthy Rags Wretch?  You read it and decide.  Who is right? God or the Rebels?  Romans 7: 15-25

Penal Substitution.  Why yes, I believe in the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ on the cross for all mankind, especially those who believe because the apostle Paul believed it and Jesus Christ believed it, and it is recorded in the AV1611 Holy Bible.  Jesus said,  …the Son of man came…to give his life a ransom for many. Matt. 20:28 Mk. 10:45  Paul said, ...the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a RANSOM FOR ALL… 1Tim. 2:5,6

If it is OK with you, I will ignore RUBEN’S REBELS, and trust in the LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE in Christ Jesus.

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Part 1:ROMANS 8: 2-4 Bible Study


PART 1 of 2

For the LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE in Christ Jesus HATH MADE ME FREE FROM THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH,  For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom. 2: 2-4

It would seem that many denominations, TV evangelists,  and street preachers have torn the above passage out of their Bibles.  We have notorious men such as Ruben Israel and his organization known as Official Street Preachers (Ruben’s Rebels) preaching a false gospel that is a wicked, soul damning,  hybrid mix of the Old Testament Law and New Testament Scriptures.

Brad Will's photo.

Above is a banner used by the endure to the end cult, using quotes from some perversion of the Scriptures, taken out of context (thus a pretext) and not rightly divided to boot!   They mislead the lost and dying world to attempt a feat that they themselves cannot do!  The cult’s  banner ends with ” STOP ALL YOUR SIN OR BURN IN HELL”  which is not Scripture or scriptural.  Jesus told a certain woman to “go and sin now more” while the Jewish nation was still under THE LAW OF SIN AND DEATH. We are now under the LAW OF THE SPIRIT OF LIFE in Christ Jesus and encouraged as the prisoner of the Lord to walk worth of the vocation wherewith ye are called. Eph. 4:10  When Jesus told the certain woman to “go and sin now more”, He had not yet shed His blood, had not yet went to the cross, had not yet died, had not yet been buried, nor yet risen from the dead.  Paul the last apostle had not yet received the church age gospel from Jesus Christ himself.  The endure to the end cult cannot or seem unable to get out of the transitional books of the Bible, and completely ignore the Pauline epistles of the Church Age (NOW).   Ruben’s Rebels are either unable or unwilling to hear the truths given us by the LAST apostle Paul.

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One does not have to read Ezekiel3 very long till you realize that I do not believe in the Fake Healers of today.  But I do believe God heals and the fervent prayer of a righteous man (or woman) are heard and answered by God according to His will.

Thank God that he seen fit to keep my dear wife cancer free for over a year now and we look forward to much more favor and mercy  in the coming years.  YES, we received a good report from the doctors this past Monday and we are thanking God, giving thanks by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for her clean bill of health.

GLORY TO OUR GOD FOR GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bro. Ray

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Greek and Hebrew 101 – The Test


Are you fed up with empty-headed, high-minded  preachers who think nothing of correcting the AV1611 King James Bible with their mysterious special knowledge of Greek and Hebrew?  If so, would you like to put them to a test?  Here’s how!

At the top of the column on the right is a translation feature.  Among the many languages this blog can be quickly translated into are; you guessed it; Greek and Hebrew.  Now with two clicks on the key board you can translate and print this article and others into ancient Bible languages that seem to be in vogue these days.  Now you can challenge preachers and others with special knowledge of the “original languages” to translate this and other posts from Greek or Hebrew into English .  I will give you three guesses about the outcome and the first two don’t count.  That’s right, they will be stumped on the first paragraph.

Modern Greek and Hebrew scholars will be forced to admit that their corrections of the King James Bible come from unreliable lexicons and a Strong’s Concordance written by apostate Christians and unbelievers.



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ROMANS 8:1 – Bible Study

There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Rom.8:1

Chances are great that you do not have the last ten words of  the above verse if you are using anything other than an AV1611 King James Bible.  We will start our study with this reminder, if the Holy Ghost had not meant to say, “who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”, He would not have said it!  He (the Holy Ghost) did say it and it would do us well to understand why. If your “bible” does not have those last ten words of this verse, it is now a good time to run out and buy an AV1611 Holy Bible.

This verse would seem to imply that the Christian who does not walk after the Spirit, but rather walks after the flesh is in danger of eternal damnation (HELL).  This implication may be one of many reasons the Pentecostal holiness groups, charismatics, egotistical works salvation street preachers and others prefer “bibles” other than the AV1611.  Now lets look at this verse line upon line and precept upon precept and you will have no need to run to the easy to read modern bibles.

The words condemnation and damnation in the Bible does not always refer to Hell, but it can.  Look with me at John 5:24 for a reference to Hell.  Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and beleiveth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not fall into condemnation: but is passed from death unto life.   No doubt the Lord is talking about the DAMNATION OF  Hell in the preceeding verse and declaring eternal security when He uses the phrase “IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE”.  

Now look at the words CONDEMNED and DAMNATION  in 1Cor. 11:,32 and 29 concerning chastisement, condemnation and communion where it does AND does not refer to Hell. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned {go to Hell} with the world.   For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body. 

What is the damnation to himself  in verse 29?  We are told in verse 30 of the same chapter, For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.  My dear friends  condemnation of the born again believer is not Hell, but chastisement.  Now, you can rest in the Lord and get yourself an AV1611 Holy Bible and continue with these Bible studies.

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ROMANS CHAPTER 8 the Christian Constitution


The United States Constitution lies at the heart of this country’s way of life and is the bedrock of our Government in these 5o United States.  Without the Constitution we do not have this Government that gives us the freedoms we enjoy. The United States Constitution must never be updated with modern lingo and must be interpreted for what it says and not what we would like it to mean for our own temporary gains.   The Bible (AV1611 of course for all English-speaking people) is the written Constitution given all mankind by God himself in various languages.  Likewise we must never update the English Bible with modern lingo and it must be interpreted for what it says and not what we would like it to mean for our own earthly gains.

All Scripture is relevant; we read, study, believe, and preach  for precept MUST be upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.  Isa. 28:10  Romans chapter 8 stands out as a great chapter in the book of Romans and the entire Bible.  Many cults stumble at Romans chapter 8 and fall headlong into Hell while rejecting its truths.  In the coming weeks I will be taking you through a verse by verse study of Romans 8 in and attempt to get my readers rooted and grounded in love. Eph. 3:17

I hope that you will stay with me throughout this series on Romans chapter 8 and be blessed.   Bro. Ray

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ROMANS 1:22,23 – Bible Study


 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  Rom. 1: 22,23

If you want to find an example of the fool  declared by God in verse 22 of this passage, you have to look no further than the evolutionist.  If you look a little closer you will find his more modern brethren, those who tout GLOBAL WARMING.  In order to believe global warming, one would have to be BIBLE IGNORANT!  Some reading this can hardly believe I had the intestinal fortitude to say that; but I did; and now let me show you why.

God, himself has some advice on the foolishness of man’s wisdom (global warming).  For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. 1Cor. 3:19  Global warming nuts scream, “Save the planet”.  God thunders back, “Save yourselves from this untoward generation” Acts 2:40

The Global Warming Nut goes about trying to save the planet; which is temporary and does  not need saved; while at the same time he is  losing his own soul.   While the EARTH REMAINETH, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Heaven and earth shall pass away…  For what shall it profit a man, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, and LOSE HIS OWN SOUL?   Gen. 8:22 and Luke 21:33 and Mark 8:36  There you have it straight from the Holy Ghost, no need to worry.  Global Warming Nuts can set in the middle of the worst snow storm in decades and worry about the world  burning up.  Genesis 8:22 is a guarantee that we have nothing to worry about until God wraps this whole thing up (and He will).  You nor I can save the planet (and it does not need saving)  and if we could it would do us absolutely no good if we go to Hell without believing on the Lord Jesus Christ!!

In verse 23 you have evolution on a sliding scale.   The Holy Ghost lists man at the top of the scale of those “FALSE gods” that men worship.  One has to look no further than Hollywood, Christian TV, the music industry, politicians, or the man or woman next door for examples of humans that mankind is worshipping today.  Next the Holy Ghost lists birds and four-footed beasts, which the evolutionists and the global warming nuts prefer above their own kind. This because they believe they descended  from these creatures.    Some go even so far as to launch religious campaigns to save bugs and insects to their own demise.  Others tattoo images of scorpions, frogs, lizards, snakes,  and  the like on their bodies for superstitious reasons.  There you have it, the evolutionary scale from top to bottom, and all is vanity.

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During the past 72 or more hours some of you encountered problems accessing Ezekiel3, because we were hacked!!  PROBLEM SOLVED!!  Old Zeke is back up and running world-wide again.   It would seem that Ezekiel3 was too salty for someone.  Dwane Karr and I will continue to write with a very sharp and pointed pen dipped in the well of the Holy Bible (AV1611 of course).

The effort put forth by hackers is just evidence that Ezekiel3 is slashing at the heart of unbelief and apostasy in these last days.  You can look forward to many posts correcting false doctrines and doctrines of devils, as well as heart stirring Bible studies for these last days.


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Check out the video link below and browse more than two hours of the craziest Charismatic antics this side of Hell!   You will see blasphemous dancing, jerking, tongue talking, wind sucker preachers, rolling, jumping, fits, and  devil possession glorified in houses called by His Name (Jesus Christ)

Browse through this video.  Do a check up from the neck up.  Is any of this insanity in the name of Christ going on in your assembly?  If so RUN!  Get as far away as you can and have no fellowship with the works of darkness or those who commit them. 

Get into an AV1611 Bible believing church where Jesus Christ is preached line up on line, rightly dividing the scriptures.  Browse the search engine on this web site for more information on Pentecostal and Charismatic Madness!!


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The White House and world-wide news media seem confused about the horrific actions of the leaders of Islam in recent weeks.  I do not think they are the least bit confused, but rather they are covering up for a wicked religious system headed by their own father the Devil, who was a murder from the beginning.  Period.   This particular post is an editorial being written by myself, a man in tune with heaven through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and knowledge of his words to all mankind (the AV1611 Holy Bible of course).

Members of the  news media are in tune with their father, Satan, and knowingly or unknowingly run to the tune of  an unholy book called the Koran.  And the current  President in the White House is a Muslim.  It would take more than a little coaxing to get a born again Christian to speak against Jesus Christ.  In contrast a little coaxing is not going to get President Obama or his White House to speak against the Muslim hoard that is busy terrorizing the world.  Anyone that has done a casual read of the Koran cannot help but notice that it authorizes a no holds barred war against anyone that does not bow the knee to the devil  behind the Muslim faith.  This Islamic demonic entity first gained recognition and worship as the Arabian moon-god.  Next the false epileptic prophet Mohammed adopted this devil and called it by the new name, Allah, and thus we have the religion of Islam!

As a result of the mad prophet Mohammed’ epileptic delusions, the world  now deals with a bankrupt religion that authorizes human beings being burned alive, beheading others and one another, raping women and adolescent girls, cutting off female breasts, human trafficking of women of all ages including baby girls, video publishing their murders, and sodomizing male captives while condemning homosexuality.?!  Remember this is not extremism, it is pure Islam.  Remember this is not radical Islam, it is orthodox Islam.

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Please click below to  email this post to friends and family to enjoy good Biblical doctrine and apostasy warnings.   Or subscribe them yourself and let them approve.


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I CHRONICLES 16:22 – Charismatics Break Their Necks Here!

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. IChronicles 16:22

Charismatics break their necks on this  Old Testament verse in Chronicles. The Charismatic puffs up and warns everyone not to speak the truth about anyone no matter how far they stray from the scriptures and screams “Touch not my anointed.  All this without FACT checking to see if the “anointed” is really ANOINTED! 

First things first my good man or woman, check your Bible.  If the anointed or prophet does not line up with the Scriptures (AV1611 of course), the preacher or preacher-ette is  not anointed and needs touched with the words of God, as well as those he or she is deceiving.  Many quoting Chronicles 16:22 could not find that verse in the Bible and were taught it by a deceiver who was being deceived. II Tim. 3:15

Many use Chronicles 16, verse 22 to keep hearers and followers from questioning their pernicious ways.  Those who prefer this verse use it often in a threatening way to keep anyone from questioning their false doctrines.  This verse will pop up when you question the tongues movement, faith healers, the prosperity gospel, modern false apostles, water regeneration and etc.   Remember, if a practice or belief does not line up with the words of God and those RIGHTLY DIVIDED (AV1611 of course), that practice or belief is out of line!

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Dwane Karr's photo.

As most know the Roman Catholic church is the bride of Satan. This bride  has been a very vital asset to Satan and will continue to play a key role in forwarding his plans right up till she is destroyed in Revelation 18. The significance of her destruction can be shown by the victory party that goes on in Heaven (Rev.19:1-6) following her demise.

Dwane Karr's photo.

Her importance to the devil’s plans was once again shown by Obama’s remarks that many are up in arms about today. His remarks again shows the wicked genius of Satan’s use of his bride. How wickedly cleaver it was to turn Baal worship into a religious institution the world would come to accept as the very face of Christianity! Thus the Muslim in the White House could proudly proclaim that Christians had “committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” during the Inquisition and the Crusades.

The groundwork for making these statements possible has gone on for many decades as Jesuits manipulated the media to portray the Roman Catholic Church as “THE CHURCH”, brainwashing the masses into believing she was not only “Christian” but THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE CHRISTIAN CHURCH! The fact that nothing could be further from the truth falls on deaf ears to most of the world which is lost, and has been exposed to continuous multimedia manipulation that has sold them on the damning lie that hides her true identity revealed by God. (Rev.17:5)” MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

Quite an achievement by the fallen cherub. He takes Satan worship from the high places and puts it into cathedrals and calls it Christian. He uses these Baalites turned Christian to murder and torture tens of millions of true Christians during the Dark Ages. Then, as if that wasn’t good enough, he can today use that slaughter of true Christians as an example of Christians behaving as Jihadists, to take the heat off  Muslim Jihadists who are killing more true Christians.


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ISLAM’S FATHER: ISHMAEL – Genesis Chapter 16


And he will be a WILD MAN; his hand will be against EVERY MAN, and EVERY MAN’S hand will be AGAINST HIM;…Gen 16:12

We can see by reading chapter 16 of Genesis how the world-wide problem with Islam started long  before the epileptic, child molesting, false  prophet Mohammed saw a satanic vision instructing him to start one of the bloodiest, antichrist religions in the world, second only to the Roman Catholic Cult.

Talking heads in the news media seem perplexed when Muslims turn against one another due to seeming small differences in doctrinal dogma.  heads of state are continually trying to quiet the murderous practitioners of the Islamic religion from killing one another.  God spelled it out,  the Muslim is that wild man  in Genesis,   he is against himself and every man is against this murderous religion just as the Lord stated thousands of years ago.

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Says South Asia ME ground zero for winning hearts and minds

The Obama lies are in standard print, and we answer his lies in bold italic print. I found this article on the internet  in a news report and I decided to correct Obama’s cover ups for his Islamic friends.

President Barack Obama has brushed aside the suggestion that the United States’ fight against terror means Washington is engaged in a war with Islam, as he argued the need for Ta proper perspective in counterterrorism efforts.  Because his daddy was a Muslim and he is a Muslim.

He pointed out in an interview with CNN that there is an element growing out of Muslim communities in certain parts of the world that “have embraced a nihilistic, violent, almost medieval interpretation of Islam” but a dominant majority of the Muslims rejects that thinking as being Islamic.  The unholy book of the Islam teaches just the opposite of what President Obama just said.  The Koran repeatedly teaches that Muslims should kill all who do not adhere to the dogma of Islam. 

Obama said with their militant activities, the small minority is doing damage in a lot of countries around the world.  It may be a minority that are doing the bombing, beheading, raping, child molestation but not one leader or lay person can be found to speak out against these horrors. 

“But it is absolutely true that I reject a notion that somehow that creates a religious war because the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject that interpretation of Islam.  Where is the proof that Muslims do not approve of the mayhem going on in the world today?  Obama, where did you get your info.? They don’t even recognize it as being Islam.”  Liar, they not only recognize it as Islam, they support this terror with money earned and give right here in the USA.

The U.S. president was answering criticism by some Republicans like senator Lindsay Graham who claim the U.S. is fighting a war against radical Islam and that the Obama White House takes pains at avoiding the use of terms like “Islamic terrorists.”  Obama needs to call this trash what it is, a murderous regime.  Obama has even referred to Islam as the Islamic State giving it the status of a world-wide country.

“And I think that for us to be successful in fighting this scourge, it’s very important for us to align ourselves with the 99.9 percent of Muslims who are looking for the same thing we’re looking for – order, peace, prosperity.  Really? Order, peace, prosperity?  When did this happen?  Did I miss something?  If they (Muslims) want peace, order, and prosperity just stop the bombing, murder, beheading, child trafficking, rape and other nonsense done in the name of Satan disguised as Allah.

Obama noted that the “Middle East and South Asia are sort of ground zero for us needing to win back hearts and minds, particularly when it comes to young people.”

“But I think we do ourselves a disservice in this fight if we are not taking into account the fact that the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject this ideology.” One more time with feeling, where did you get that info.?, and who are these passive Muslims?  I can not hear them!!!He cautioned against exaggerating the threat posed by terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS and therefore handing them the victory.  Exaggerated?  Tell that to the 44 dead policemen in the Philippines, tell that to the 2000 recently killed in Africa, tell that to any family who has had a relative blown up or beheaded.  Shut up Obama before everyone realizes how wicked you are!!


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Romans Stake vs. Islamist Cage

 The 21st Century began with the same type of violence that the Reformation ended with. The Roman Catholic Church has taken pause from torturing all who would not bow the knee to the Pope and, now  Islam has picked up the mantel of wickedness.  The rack and the iron maiden,  two favorite instruments of torture used by the Romans became obsolete as the gospel spread and Romanism took a back seat to light of God’s word.  Islam has now taken up the fire of the Roman stake and applied it via the cage to terrorize and kill any who do not adhere to their silly, senseless, Godless, and devilish religion.  The fire is also used by Islam via the bombs used to kill thousands around the world.  Muslims used fire via jet airliners to kill 3,000 when they attacked the twin towers in New York City in 2001.

Recently the Islamists released a video on the internet showing the burning death a Jordanian Air Force pilot.  The AV1611 Reformation Bible is as up-to-date as today’s newspapers on the wickedness of all Muslims world-wide.

THIS KNOW ALSO, that in the last days perilous times shall come…But EVIL MEN shall wax WORSE and WORSE…   II Timothy 3:1-17

Remember you heard it here first.  Islam is nothing more or less than a Godless, devilish, religion that does not worship or represent the God of the Bible (AV1611 of course).  Islam does not produce godly people or godly living, instead all Muslims are SAVAGES by any measurement and comparison you may chose.

…the time cometh, that whosoever KILLETH YOU will think that he doeth God service.   And these things will they do unto you, because THEY HAVE NOT KNOW THE FATHER, NOR ME.  John 16: 2, 3  

If anyone is offended by Ezekiel3’s evaluation of Islam, I have a solution.   Print yourself a hard copy of this post.  Fold it carefully and put in the pocket of your burka.  Apply a liberal amount of accelerate to your burka and strike a match while shouting Allah Yuck Bar!

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No Small Stir by Dwane Karr

...Surly God is tired of looking down at a bunch of Christians who are stuck in neutral. Make up your mind. Move forward or backward, just move! In (1 Ki.18:21) "Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him." The choice is still the same today for Christians who's sole purpose in their churches is holding down a pew. Wake up or forget it! The opportunity to serve God in this life is just about over.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
...A.W. Tozer said "Until we give up our own interests, there will never be enough stirring within our beings to find His highest will." Seeking God's will requires real prayer, something today's Christian know next to nothing about. You see the frustration in (Isa.64:7) " And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee." Conformed or transformed. Separated or sucked into the spiritual swamp.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
...The time is short. Don't you want to be serving God when Jesus Christ comes for us? Many out there desperately need to heed the warning of (Rom.13:11-12) "And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light."

Surely, God is tired of looking down at a bunch of Christians who are stuck in neutral. Make up your mind. Move forward or backward, just move!  “Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him1 Ki.18:21“The choice is still the same today for Christians whose sole purpose in their churches is holding down a pew. Wake up or forget it!  The opportunity to serve God in this life is just about over.

A.W. Tozer said “Until we give up our own interests, there will never be enough stirring within our beings to find His highest will.” Seeking God’s will requires real prayer, something today’s Christian knows next to nothing about. You see the frustration in (Isa.64:7) ” And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee.”  Conformed or transformed.  Separated or sucked into the spiritual swamp.

The time is short.  Don’t you want to be serving God when Jesus Christ comes for us? Many out there desperately need to heed the warning of (Rom.13:11-12) “And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.”

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Hebrews 5:12-14 WHO SPILLED THE MILK?

Spilled Milk

For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God;  and are become such as have need of ilk, and not of strong meat.  For every one that useth milk is unskillful in the word of  righteousness: for he is a babe.  But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.  Hebrews 5: 12-14

Verse twelve will serve as reproof for most sitting in the pews of America in these last days.  Do you realize 90 to 99% of those sitting in pews across America and the world today cannot point to a copy of the Scriptures.  This same percentile cannot even point to a  book that contains the Scriptures with any certainty.  This same 90 to 99% will even argue with you when you point out the Scriptures in the English Language or any other language they can read.

I ask, “How can anyone be taught the meat of the word when they cannot tolerate the milk of the word?”  May I explain?  Thank you, I will try.  Most of the population professing Jesus Christ cannot believe or tolerate the thought that God the Holy Ghost could preserve His words in their language or any other language they or others can read.  The BASIC milk of the word is believing you have a copy of the words of God.  How can one believe what the word (Bible) says if they do not believe they have an infallible Bible they can read for themselves or have read to them?

This generation of professing Christians that are incapable of leading a sinner to  Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  What a mess!  I must wonder out loud and in print,  “Do these professing Christians even know the God of the Bible?  I mean, they do not even know if they have a perfect Bible or how to relate the Bible to a sinner that he or she might be saved.”  Watch this!, I will send most of my readers into a religious quagmire with the following question and answer session.  First I will ask a question and then I will answer it truthfully.  Watch what happens.

1) Do I believe we have a complete, infallible, inerrant copy of the Scriptures today that can be read in the English language?  My answer: YES

2) Do I know where to buy a copy of the Scriptures mentioned in question number one?  My answer:  YES, in most any bookstore or online.

3) Can you tell us which Bible you are speaking of in question number two? My answer: YES, it is the 1611 Authorized Bible commonly know as the AV1611 King James Bible.

Babies and STILL-BORNS just about choked on my answers to questions 1-3, and I can hear the gagging and spitting from around the globe here at Ezekiel3 headquarters .  Much of the meat served up on Ezekiel3’s pages cannot be digested due to the fact that many of my readers cannot keep milk down.

If you answered NO to any of the 3 example questions you have some spiritual and Biblical issues.  If my YES answer to the same 3 questions made you uneasy, upset, or angry, you can find help in understanding God’s word (AV1611 of course) on this site by using the search engine provide for your learning pleasure.    Thanks for reading.

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WINTER JAM 2015 – Charleston, WV by Dwane Karr

 Syncopated Noise by Dwane Karr

 Another Winter Jam has been staged in our home State of West Virginia,  and as normal we were there to voice our opposition to the failed attempt of the participating Laodicean churches to Christianize rock music. Since so many support Lucifer’s music being “used” by Christians to add to the church through fleshy means, I will not waste time telling of rock’s history.  The fact it began in Africa/Egypt and was used by VooDoo priests to summon the gods to come into the bodies of writhing dancers who jammed down to the syncopated beat of the tribal drums seems not to matter. Or that after  landing in New Orleans, it was played in the whore houses, speakeasies, and gambling dens of the red light district.

Instead I will make short comment on what God calls it…{{{NOISE}}}. God shows us the exact type of situation where you can find rock music being used in the Bible.

In Ex. 32 we find Moses and Joshua being sent back down the mountain because the people had made a golden calf and were getting naked and dancing around the false god Aaron had fashioned.  As they neared the camp (Ex.32:17) “Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted, he said unto Moses, There is a NOISE OF WAR in the camp.” Moses responded by saying (vs 18) “It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery, neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome: but THE NOISE OF THEM THAT SING do I hear.”

Jumping ahead to the book of Amos we find backslidden Israel trying God’s patience as He tells them (Amos 5:23) ” Take thou away from me THE NOISE OF THY SONGS; for I will not hear the melody of thy viols.” Thus it is clear God has no more use for rap music than He does for rock music for He says in (Amos 6:5) they “chant to the sound of the viol.” Bear in mind the spiritual condition of the nation at the time as we see what they thought of street preachers; (Amos 5:10) “They hate him that rebuketh in the gate, and they abhor him that speaketh uprightly.” They were so dead set against being reproved they told Amos (Amos 7:12-13) ” O thou seer, go, flee thee away into the land of Judah, and there eat bread, and prophesy there: But prophesy not again any more at Bethel: for it is the king’s chapel, and it is the king’s court.”

Let us close with a happy ending by turning to the chapter that tells of Lucifer’s rebellion and also of his final demise: (Isa.14:9-11) “Hell from beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming: it stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as we? art thou become like unto us? Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and THE NOISE OF THY VIOLS: the worm is spread under thee, and the worms cover thee.”

So in the end we see that God will keep Lucifer and his music he invented together forever as He sends the devil’s rock musick to Hell with him where it belongs. So for those Christians who’s musical taste buds have become acclimated to Satan’s style of music, well, you will just have to go back to praising God through the music He loves to be worshiped with and it is not NOISE!

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WINTER JAM 2015 – What To Expect!!


Winter Jam or Deadly Joke?

Wolves in sheep’s clothing will appear on stage as angels of light. Lost and saved alike WILL NOT be able to hear Jesus saying, “ye worship ye know not what”; because the serpentine spirit that drives Rock, Rap, and CCM has turned up the volume of deception. Tens of thousands deceived by the ecumenical movement will offer up a blemished sacrifice that Lord Jesus Christ our Lord will have no part of it!!  Guardian angels will look on in horror at the rock concert known as Winter Jam 2015. Winter Jam 2015 is a venue for Bible ignorant pastors to sacrifice the Lord’s young people to the “gods of rock and roll”.  Please inform yourself about previous Winter Jams and those who support this “ecumenical movement” birthed in the “bowels of HELL” itself.

Examine and consider the hard worldly look of Winter Jam’s performers in their publicity pictures.

Do your research, look for non-existent born again testimonies on their website bios. Read your AV1611 Holy Bible, is it right to mix the holy with the profane (c-rock, c-rap, CCM)?  Is Jesus in the titles and lyrics of their songs and presented in good doctrinal light?  Is the doctrine of those music ministers on stage the same as your doctrine?  Doctrinal differences are important and many times are serious enough to separate the saved from the lost. Would you extend the right hand of fellowship to the churches these performers come out of?

What fellowship does Light have with the dark cults represented at Winter Jam?  Why would born again Christians urge their youth to participate in an ecumenical so-called worship service that attracts the Jesus only cults, the Roman Catholic cult, Charismatic and Pentecostal heretics, and other fringe religions?

There are many questions you must answer about participating in Winter Jam; answer them now or at the judgement seat of Jesus Christ!

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FEMALE PREACHERS?? – What does the Bible Say?


Is it Biblical for a woman to be the pastor or assistant pastor of a church?  Is it Biblical for a wife to be named co-pastor of her husbands church?  Is it Biblical for a woman; married or unmarried; to exercise authority over congregations of Bible believers?  Is it Biblical that  a woman be made a deacon of any church?  To all the fore-going questions I say NO!  If you answer yes to any of the fore-going questions, I contend that you do not answer according to the scriptures.  Should you have any doubt about my answer to the above questions or my point of contention,  please get your Bible (AV1611 of course) and let me show you the WORDS of the Lord. 

The AV1611 Holy Bible is given to us by inspiration of God, and is profitable for DOCTRINE, for REPROOF, for CORRECTION, for INSTRUCTION, in righteousness. 2Tim. 3:16  Now friends we have our source, lets take a look at the source and put some AV1611 light on these rebellious women who are usurping authority in the house that is called by His name (Jesus Christ).

First Timothy chapter 3 verses 1-15 lays makes it big, plain, and clear that bishops (pastors) and deacons are to be men, not women.  Verse 1 says “…he desireth a good work”.  Verse 2 says “A bishop then must be… the husband of one wife”.  Verse 4 says “…having his children in subjection.  Verse 5 says “…how shall he.  Verse 7 says …he must.  Verse 11 says “their wives.  Verse 12 says “…deacons be the husbands of one wife.  Did you see any female deacons of pastors in all 15 verses 1 Timothy chapter 3?  That’s what I thought.  I know, I know the most ODIOUS women will still be kicking at the pricks on this subject and claiming to be led by the Holy Ghost (Prov. 30:21-23.  Continuing on, please allow me to introduce you to what He (the Holy Ghost) had to say on the matter at hand in the Book of Titus.

Titus speaking as he was moved by the Holy Ghost recaps what we just learned in the third chapter of 1Timothy and adds some more detailed instructions for the role of women in the body of Jesus Christ.  Titus wastes no time establishing the Biblical FACT that an elder should be a man by saying, “the husband of one wife” in chapter one verse 5.   Then Titus continues in chapter 2 with instructions for the women in the body of Jesus Christ.  Read verses 3-5 for further instructions on how women are to behave in and out of the house of God.

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12/16/14 CURRENT EVENT – Islamists Murder 141- Mostly School Children


The Devil Is Their Daddy

…the  TIME COMETH, that whosoever killeth you WILL THINK that he doeth God service…John 16:1-4

Jesus foretold that his disciples and those that believed upon Him through their word would live in grave danger of being killed.  This prophecy rang true in the lives of the disciples, the early church, scores of martyrs throughout the centuries, and tens of thousands of Jews and Christians in our modern times.

The MURDER  of 141  innocents, mostly school children in Pakistan today at the hands of Islamists is a vivid example of the basic nature of all Muslims, whose father is  the Devil.  Make no mistake about it, Muslims do not serve the God of the AV1611 Holy Bible.  We are commanded by God to “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves”.  Our Saviour was holy and harmless.  The Muslim is commanded in his UNHOLY Koran to kill and destroy by following the example and writings of  the mad epileptic false prophet Mohammed.  The fore mentioned camel jockey (Mahammed) received his instructions from his father the Devil and his father was a murder from the beginning according to the AV1611 Holy Bible.



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Pagan “Extravaganza” Parade

It has been brought to my attention that organizers for the annual Easter Parade in my home town are hard at work preparing for the 2015 hometown Easter parade;a pagan “extravaganza”.  A Christian friend of mine was shocked during a discussion about this event when  I referred to Easter as a PAGAN HOLIDAY!   I totally understand why my friend was taken back.  He, like ninety plus percent of those in churches called Christian have loved and believed a lie put forth by the Roman Catholic Church about Easter.  I will attempt to shed some AV1611 Biblical light on this pagan lie; “the holiday called Easter”; but first allow me give you some questions to ponder on as you continue to read.

The Parkersburg Easter Parade boasts an Easter bonnet competition. How does that relate to scripture?  Don’t forget the Easter Bunny will be out in full force; laying (his) Easter eggs. How do you line this old rabbit up with the Holy Scriptures?   Local churches have floats in the parade that promote their location and service times, but little or no mention of Jesus Christ.  Why is that?   The Parkersburg Easter Parade gives a prominent slot to the Catholic Church, complete with a local pagan Priest passing himself off as a minister of Jesus Christ. Where  is this found in the AV1611 Holy Bible?  During Parkersburg’s Pagan Parade the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ take a backseat to bonnets and bunnies. Why is that?   To all these fore-mentioned pagan practices; Bible please?

…intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.  Acts 12:4

Parkersburg’s Easter Parade committee  gets its start in Acts chapter 12, and keeps company with Bible correctors  worldwide.  The Holy Bible (AV1611 of course) haters use this verse 12 as a springboard for their heresy.   Heretics claim the AV1611 translators made a grave mistake in Acts 12:4 , saying the word Easter should have been Passover.  So there you have it!  NO YOU DON’T!!    Stick with me while I explain, Biblically (AV1611 of course).

Kiki and other organizers from liberal Christian churches are  already weeping and wailing at what I have just written.   No doubt they will be gnashing their teeth as they continue reading.  We must understand this very important principle of the Holy Writ; if the Holy Ghost had meant to say Passover in Acts 12: 4;  He would have said Passover. But He didn’t!   It would serve us well to look at why He said Easter instead of Passover!!

Easter was celebrated by the Babylonians 1,000 years before Christ was born in Bethlehem,  and was adapted as a national Roman holiday.  Rome’s Catholic church carries on this pagan practice to this very day.  Easter falls on a different day every year because this wicked pagan holiday follows the lunar cycle.  Passover is a set day on the Jewish calendar.  Both days are  in the spring and every few years both holidays will fall  on the same SUN-day, but are not the same holiday or observed in the same way.  The Passover is a Jewish holy day,  reminding Jews that blood was put on the door posts of their homes when they were captive in Egypt.  Thus the death angel would see the blood and pass over them when he came to kill all the first-born of Egypt.

Easter is a pagan holiday celebrated world-wide. Easter embodies the worship of a perverted sex  goddess known by many names such as  Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Ishtar, Astarte, Demeter, Hathor, Kali, and Ostara. Does your church hold a “Sunrise Service”?  Is ham a must for your “Easter” dinner?  Do you color and hide “Easter” eggs for the children?  You can spot the origin of Sunrise Services, Easter bunnies, ham dinners and Easter eggs in the following short expose. 

Jesus rose from the dead on a certain day.  Easter follows the Equinox.  Easter celebrates the resurrection of the pagan god “Tammuz” who was believed to be the son of the moon-goddess and the sun-god.

…,there sat women weeping for Tammuz…with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east…  Ezekiel 8: 9-18

The Bible records that their was a man named Nimrod, the son  of Cush and the grandson of Ham,  and the great-grandson  of Noah.  Nimrod’s mother was Semiramis.   After the death of his father, Nimrod married Semiramis, his own mother.  At this point we can easily see how the story of Easter is getting off to a wicked start, and it gets worse from here.

Genesis 10:8-10  “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad,and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”

The Bible states that Nimrod became King.  Legend has it that Nimrod became a god-man to the people.   Semiramis, his wife/mother, became the powerful Queen of ancient Babylon.  An enemy killed Nimrod and  his body was cut in pieces and scattered throughout his kingdom. Semiramis was able to have almost all the pieces of Nimrod’s body  gathered after his death except one, his reproductive organ which could not be found.  Semiramis said that the reason Nimrod could not come back to life was because the reproductive organ could not be found and hence he had ascended to the sun.  He was to be known as  ‘Baal” the sun-god.  Can you see the connection between Nimrod, Baal, and your Sunrise Service?  Semiramis sitting as queen also claimed that “Baal” would manifest himself  in the form of a flame when  either candles or lamps were used during worship.  Hmm., it’s starting to smell much like Catholic and Protestant traditions in here.

Being guided by Satan, Semiramis was setting herself up as a goddess.  And in turn she was setting up  Nimrod her  dead husband/son to be the  sun-god “Baal”.  Semiramis, seems earily similar to the Roman Catholic’s Mary.  Both claim immaculate conception. Semiramis’ immaculate conception came on this wise.  She  taught the moon was a goddess that went through a 28 day cycle of   ovulation  when the moon was full Semiramis claimed that after the first full moon of the Equinox, that an egg fell from the moon goddess into the Euphrates River and she was in it.

…But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven…as we have done.. Jeremiah 44: 14-23

Semiramis’ name become known as “Ishtar” and is  pronounced like the AV1611 word “Easter”.  Her moon egg was called “Ishtar’s” egg”, hence our present day Easter eggs. hmm.  From here the  plot thickens. “Ishtar”  committed fornication and became pregnant , but claimed  the rays of the sun-god Baal caused her to conceive. Yea right.  Her son’s name was Tammuz.  Convenient, huh?

Tammuz, was fond  of rabbits and legend has it, he like his supposed father (Nimrod/Baal)  became a hunter.  He was killed by a wild pig.  Queen Ishtar  said that Tammuz had ascended to his father, Baal, and the presence of both of them would now be   in the candle or lamp flame when used in worship, as Father, Son and Spirit.  Do you use candles in your church? Ishtar, now accepted  worship as the “Mother of God and Queen of Heaven”.  Do you see any resemblance of the Roman church?

Ishtar  taught  that when the wild pig killed him,  some of Tammuz’s blood fell on the stump of an evergreen tree, and caused the stump  to grow into a  new tree overnight. The evergreen tree has become sacred in paganism ever since.  Can you see a connection between this legend and your modern X-mas tree?

Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you…Learn not the way of the heathen…For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.   They deck it with silver and gold… Jeremiah 10: 1-5

Ishtar established a forty day partial fast used for a time of meditation.   During this time  cakes were baked with a “T” on top for this pagan Sunday holiday, much like the cross buns eaten by Catholics and Protestants today.  This mess/mass looks eerily like the Roman Catholic lent and sign of he cross.  Ishtar also instituted rabbits and the eating of ham into this pagan Sunday celebration because Tammuz liked playing with rabbits.   A  pig was killed and eaten by worshippers of Tammuz because he was killed by a wild pig.   Looks  a lot like your Easter celebration doesn’t it?!

Easter has nothing at all to do with the resurrection our Lord Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ wants nothing to do with Easter celebrations on the street or in your church.  Amen? AMEN.

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In 1863 President Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to ever be set aside as a National day of Thanksgiving,  being observed by Americans both at home and abroad.  I believe it would behoove each of us to use this day to the utmost.  We can accomplish this by sending a sweet-smelling savor towards heaven; to the God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God,  as we are prompted by the God the Holy Ghost.

First, I want to thank God that he sent his Son to suffer and shed His blood for the sins of the whole world, especially of those who believe on him.  I am thankful that God drew me to Himself  by his Spirit.  Thank God he drew me in a time accepted, and put the wherewithal in me to accept the FREE GIFT of salvation that is by GRACE alone, and not of any works I had done or will do in the future to keep my free Gift of Salvation.  I am thankful for God’s words on all spiritual matters as they relate to the present and eternal.  I am thankful for the AV1611 Holy Bible that not only contains God’s word, but is his words to the English-speaking Peoples till the end of this age and beyond.  I am thankful that God succoured Vera, family members, and myself in the day appointed.

Last year the day before Thanksgiving,  my wife and I received bad news from her doctors; she had breast cancer.  I am thrilled to report  this Thanksgiving; she has been cancer free since December 2013.  God in his mercies and wisdom made it possible for Vera’s cancer to be detected at the earliest stage, and she is cancer free today!  Doctors believe this cancer is 98 percent curable.  We hope, and believe that our God and Saviour has better things for her.  Thank you Lord for sparing my wife’s life!!

Next I want to thank God for his mercies when I sinned by not being thankful for all the good things that he sent my way from heaven.

Here is a short list of things that I have to be thankful for…health, life, wife, family, my daughter,  job, forgiveness of sins, home, job, cars, safety, Bible (AV1611 of course), teaching from scriptures, good doctrine, friends, and far too much to list here.  My only prayer at this time is that God would give me more grace, and I can be more thankful in the coming year.

This post will be in the email boxes of just short of 10,ooo readers and I thank God for EZEKEIL3 and each of you!  YOU are invited to give a big shout out to heaven for all to see by posting your thanksgivings in the comment section of this post.   Looking forward to sharing in your THANKSGIVING.   Sincerely, Bro. Ray

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11/24/14 Ferguson, Missouri – Current Event

Events that unfolded before and after the announcement that Officer Wilson was not being indicted for any crimes concerning the shooting  death of a young criminal were prophesied  of 2000 years ago in the Holy Scriptures (AV1611 of course).

Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.  But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.   Jude 8,10

Ezekiel3 as always gives credit to whom credit is due and credit for the mayhem in Ferguson goes to …. Drum roll please……President Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, and other so-called black leaders who are no more and certainly no less than Satan’s ministers to do evil and reap havoc on American society.

May I humbly suggest that an investigation into where the ?Rev? Al Sharpton received his title. Where is his sending church?  And, who writes Sharpton’s  pay and expense checks?  Remember follow the money because, money is the ROOT of all evil !  And now the morning after,  this professional thug is standing on the sidelines, with  threats and veiled orders for more violence.   Al!, Put a sock in it!!


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Jesse Morrell Receives a Strong Rebuke!!

The article appearing  below was sent to me on FaceBook, and lends support to previous publications that can be found here on EZEKIEL3; and I thought it was worth sharing.  Please read this and other posts on EZEKIEL3 that expose Jesse “Weasel” Morrell the HERETIC.

A Warning by Josef Urban

Jesse Morrell is an open air preacher and campus speaker who travels around the USA preaching everywhere. He writes somewhat extensively on theological subjects and operates under the banner of the ministry he founded, “Open Air Outreach”. His influences seem to span wide and far as he is constantly on the move and preaching his version of what he calls “the gospel”.

Yet, despite the outward appearance of zeal in evangelism and devotion to theological subjects, there is reason to have grave concern about this man and the ministry he leads. Not only has he employed unscriptural and cruel tactics of “shock and awe” preaching where crude statements are shouted in the open air in the hopes of offending people so that a heckler will rise up and yell and then a crowd will gather, and not only does he align himself with false evangelists who are known for their shockingly offensive and anti-biblical methods of ministry, but he believes and promotes a theology which denies the essential truths of the Gospel. In this short article, I’m going to briefly explain how Jesse’s theology is anti-biblical and denies the real Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in the Word of God.

I have already communicated with Jesse on numerous occasions pleading with him from God’s Word to recognize his error and to renounce the false doctrines he believes, and have communicated with him numerous times and even rebuked him sharply, all to no avail. Seeing that he won’t repent, and that his influence is still expanding, I am now releasing this as a public warning to all that this man, Jesse Morrell, is promoting doctrines of demons disguised as Christian dogma.

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Dear Readers:

You, along with 9,489 subscribers around the globe have received this pre-Thanksgiving notification by email today.  What’s this all about you ask?

God commanded us to be thankful in all things and failing to do this is one of my persistent shortcomings and besetting  sin and possibly yours also.  Since God commanded us to be thankful (1Thess. 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God concerning YOU.) and to lay aside our besetting sins, (Hebrews 12:1 …let US lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset US…) I decided to share my strategy for overcoming this sin of un-thankfulness with you; in hope that if you share in this sin of un-thankfulness; WE can recover ourselves out of the snare of the devil together.

Please begin with me TODAY,   compiling a list of those things you have to be thankful to God for in the days that lead up to our most Biblical American holiday, THANKSGIVING.  List at least one thing per day that you have to be thankful for. Subscribers and readers from around the world are welcome to participate in this glorious day of thanksgiving to the Living God.  I will give you a few reminders between now and Thanksgiving Day to help you stay focused and on track.  Then on Thanksgiving eve I will write a special post with my list of things I am thankful for and you can file yours in the comment section to be shared around the world and lifted up to the Living God through his Son and our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ of to AV1611 Holy Bible. Amen and Amen and AMEN!!!


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IN AWE OF THY WORD by Dwane Karr

I read and study my King James Bible every day. I can honestly say that as time goes by Lord God, more and more, (Ps.119:161) “my heart standeth in awe of thy word.” I really don’t know exactly how to describe it. There are so many reasons but I guess it is because I fully realize that I am dealing with something that is not of this world. As I ponder the Holy Scriptures I have a very real sense that the Author of the Book is not at all like I am. He doesn’t think like I do and His ways are beyond my grasp. I am so privileged to be a son of God. I am so glad I have the Book He has given me. I don’t know how I arrived where I am but I know it is all because of that Book. God works everything He does in this world today in one way or another through that Blessed Book. I thank you Lord God for allowing me to have your words. And I am so thankful that I know that I have your words. That Book gave me life and that Book sustains me. Of course Lord God, it is not the physical Book itself. It is the fact that it is the medium You have chosen to reveal Yourself through. It is a window to eternity. It is a portal to paradise. Yea Lord God, (Ps.138:2) “thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.”

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ROMANS 1:21 – Bible Study

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were they thankful; but become vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.  Romans 1:21

This verse is often looked at and applied on a personal one on one basis, especially in the case of the sodomite; and I suppose this is rightfully so, especially since sodomy is addressed first and extensively in the list of sins and ungodliness that follows.  BUT, here we will look at this verse on a much larger universal scale as it applies to the nations. 

All nations including Israel and the United States of America are guilty of the two major accusations leveled at mankind in this verse.  First, the nations and the individuals that lead them do not glorify God.  To glorify God means to mention God when making plans, to lift up his Son, Jesus Christ when praying at state functions, to refer to his words (Bible) for direction and to give directions.  Second, when was the last time you heard a politician publicly give thanks to God in the name of Jesus Christ for the blessings  bestowed on this nation?  That’s, what I thought, NEVER! 

What would happen if you prayed at the next PTA meeting and gave thanks and lifted up your prayer in the name of Jesus Christ?   Yes, just try ending your public prayers at the next school or government function you attend with this salutation, in the name of the GREAT God and our precious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth set forth in the AV1611 King James Bible!  I and you will be surprised if you are not escorted out of the assembly.

Failure to glorify God and give thanks to him are two underlying major causes for our nation and others to be on the decline in this age.  Political correctness is nothing short of rejecting the God of the Bible (AV1611 of course).  Selah.


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John 19:30 – A CLOSER LOOK with Dwane Karr

It Is Finished

A dangerous false gospel is being propagated on the streets of America by confused and Biblically ignorant well-known and highly esteemed Official  Street Preachers.  This gospel is a combination of the Kingdom Gospel and the Gospel of the Grace of God. This false Gospel states that when God saves you He forgives your past ...sins and after that it is “Go and sin no more”. God’s salvation does not cover any present or future sins in this gospel, for there is no imputed righteousness in it.
This is the sticking point….they do not believe God would declare you “Righteous” (Justification) permanently in His court when you receive His Son.
They refuse to believe that when I received His Son,(John 1:12), I was put into His Son (1 Cor.12:13), and from that point on viewed as His Son (1 John 4:17) thus having THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST (2 Cor.5:21, Phil.3:9).
*They WILL NOT believe that God will choose to view His new son ( the believer) as sinless*

Yet God has shown us in the OT that He will view His son as righteous (even if their actual conduct is not) if He wants to. After all He is God!

Now Note this. In the OT God did not Adopt individual sons like He does with us today in the Church Age. God chose the “Nation” of Israel as His collective son.

Ex.4:22 “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:”

Thus in Numbers 22-24 Balak tries to get Balaam to curse Israel. He can’t do it because God has “Imputed Righteousness” to His son, the Nation of Israel!
Here is why Balaam said he could not curse God’s son Israel: Num.23:21 ” He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them.” GOD SAID THEY LOOK SINLESS TO ME!
Balak goes berserk because he knows God has been dropping them left and right because of their sins. (Read Num.14:1-4, 28-45, 15:31-36, 16:35,16:44-49, 21:4-9 etc.). This is a perfect picture of the Imputed Righteousness God gives to a man who trusts Jesus Christ as his Saviour today.
This is what they can not understand. This situation in Numbers shows a case of “Imputed Righteousness”, where sin is not imputed to a nation which is corporately God’s son,( although the individuals in that nation still have to pay for their sins). The purveyors of this false gospel do not understand the difference between standing and state.

As a Born Again son of God (the believer)  in the Body of Christ, Spiritually Circumcised, Redeemed, and Adopted by God my “Standing” is sinless perfection, (1 John 4:17) ” because AS HE IS, SO ARE WE in this world.” My “State” is my current level of closeness in fellowship with my Saviour. That is the Justification God gives us and when God slams His gavel down, declaring a man righteous, “In His Son”(John 19:30) IT IS FINISHED!

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ROMANS 1:20 – Bible Study


Seeing is Believing and Believing is Seeing

For the INVISIBLE things of him from the creation of the world ARE CLEARLY SEEN, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and GODHEAD; so that they are WITHOUT EXCUSE: Rom. 1:20

If the AV1611 ever seemed to contradict itself; and it does not contradict itself; this would be the verse.  Verse 20 is a summary of what God has shown men all over the world with or without a Bible.  And this verse begs us to ask how can we see clearly things which are invisible? 

Line upon line and precept upon precept and here a little there a little will be the Biblical method we use to explain  verse 20 of Romans chapter one.  I will attempt to show you something that is clearly seen yet invisible to the naked eye,  regardless of what any Jehovah Witness or Oneness Pentecostal try to tell you!  Both JWs and OP’s deny the Trinity; imagine that!; because that  word Trinity is not in the Bible.  The word Godhead which means the same as Trinity is not only in the Bible but an explanation is given.

For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are  one.  1John 5:7

Now notice how being made in the similitude of God, man is a spirit, soul, and body.

…and I pray God your whole SPIRIT and SOUL and BODY be preserved  blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  1Thess. 5:23

Do you see it, even though you can’t see your soul and spirit; and can only see with your eyes your body; you cannot deny your soul and spirit exist???   Jesus saw the Father and the Holy Ghost and men saw Jesus in the flesh and you cannot deny they all exist unless of course you deny scripture.  Check it out.  Jesus said he had seen the Father and we are told in scripture that he seen the Holy Ghost descend and light upon him.  Check it out, don’t take my word for it!


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ROMANS 1:18-19 Bible Study

They Know Better

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

Who hold the truth in unrighteousness cannot be found written that way in any bible published after 1885 when the onslaught of Bible perversions began to infiltrate the churches.  The translators of the “new age bibles” knew both barrels of  this verse were  aimed at them and chose to push the gun away by altering the verse. Check this out.

RSV says “who by their wickedness suppress the truth”, the NASV says “suppress the truth”, the NKJ says “suppress the truth and the list goes on with various ways to get rid of that word “hold” because when you use the word “hold”  the verse points to those who hold the truth (AV1611) in unrighteousness.  Understand this!, a man can suppress the truth in many ways but the only way a man can hold the truth in unrighteousness is to discredit or counterfeit the words of God and that is just what the modern translators and those who read them assist them in  doing.  Let no man deceive you with vain words…Be ye therefore not partakers with them. Eph. 5:6,7

For God hath shewed it unto themand they know better!  The problem is FINAL AUTHORITY and men do not want to submit to God’s FINAL AUTHORITY  the AV1611 and go about to establish their own authority in “the bible of the month club”.

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ROMANS 1: 16-17 Bible Study

 I Am Not Ashamed

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.  For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.  Rom. 1:16-17

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ should be the motto of every born again Bible believing Christian that is still drawing breath and able to speak.  And in a brief but all containing outline please allow me to share with you the gospel of Christ that you need to believe in order to obtain eternal life, God’s power to you is that Jesus Christ died for your sins, he was buried, he rose again from the dead (bodily) the third day and he did it all that so that you could be saved ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES! 1Cor. 15:3-4

Now is as good as time as any to address the women of this age who want to be or have un-Biblically seized the position of being an ordained minister. Foolish, loud, rebellious  and clamorous women have convinced themselves and others; the Bible ignorant; they have an unction from the Living God to fill pulpits in public ordained positions of ministry.  To that unction,  I say HOGWASH!  In the Bible all pastors, deacons, elders, and bishops are male.  The apostles (a past office) were all male. Women, though have a ministry that most seem to ignore, SOUL WINNING.  Every Christian woman should be a soul winner if she wants to preach the gospel with God’s blessing.  This ministry can be carried out in a number of ways such as door to door, one on one, bus ministries and etc.

For it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth,notice here that it is not to him that worketh, but to him (or her) that believeth.  The water dogs and the holiness cults along with the Endure to the End Cult would have you believe it was according to their particular recipe for eternal disaster. 

The just shall live by faith, did we just find a mistake in the AV1611 Holy Bible?  Me thinks not!  Paul was quoting from Habakkuk 2:4 which says, “The just shall live by HIS faith”.  Paul’s was using what is known as a free quote and since he was being moved by God the Holy Ghost to quote it just the way we find it here in the first chapter of Romans we know it is right and quoted just the way God wanted it quoted for a specific purpose.  Let’s look at that purpose, shall we? 

The quote held in question by those who despise  God’s Holy Bible is to show us the difference between Old Testament Salvation and New Testament Salvation.  There is a difference!  In the Old Testament men and women were saved  by combinations of  faith and works.  The faith spoken of in Habakkuk 2:4 is a man’s personal faith in doing what God told him to do. Example: Noah.  In the New Testament we are saved by the faith of Christ and faith in Christ apart from any good work Example: YOU if you are born again.  For by grace are ye saved THROUGH FAITH: and that NOT OF YOURSELVES: it is the GIFT OF GOD: NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANY MAN SHOULD BOAST. Eph. 2:8-9 Therefore the Holy Ghost was right in moving the apostle Paul to leave out the word “HIS” when quoting from the Book of Habakkuk.  Furthermore the translators of the AV1611 were perfectly correct in leaving out “HIS” in this New Testament quotation of the Old Testament.

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I will keep it short and not so sweet and to the point.  The Islam religion is picking up where the Roman Catholic Church left off at the end of the Dark Ages.  Reports of Islamists; ISIS; killing, crucifying, and beheading Christians in Iraq are coming in daily as of late.  News media are using anything but the word “Christian”  to describe those being killed, but the fact remains that those being killed are Christians.  This failure of all the news media outlets is nothing short of aiding and abetting  Islamist hatred for Jews and Christians.

Make no mistake about it, Islam is not just another way to God, Islam is not compatible with Christianity, and followers of Islam are kingdom builders and all kingdom builders are  bloody killers. 

Islam and Roman Catholicism have several things in common.  They both reject the Holy Bible as God’s final authority and they both reject Jesus Christ as Lord, God, and Saviour.  Participants as well as sympathizers  in both religions are bound for Hell and the Lake of Fire when they draw their last breaths.

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James Webber’s Book “WORD POWER” Revised Version

Continue reading

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August 2014 marks EZEKIEL3’s 2nd year on the web!  And what a two years it has been.  This site was spun off a local desktop publication called “Sounding the Trumpet”  that I published and shared with about 50 consisting of  local churches,   friends and acquaintances. 

Jesus Christ gave me the wherewithal to seek out opportunities on the world-wide web and caused others to  come along side and encourage me.  Today EZEKIEL3 is available to the world and read by thousands each month!

August 2012 saw only 45 hits on EZEKIEL3 and that number has grown substantially and steadily since.  Today EZEKIEL3 offers 200 posts written by me and qualified guest author Dwane Karr and is read by thousands searching for truth and direction on the web.  Just last month ten posts consisting of good Bible doctrine were sent to about 7,500 email boxes across the world.  Already as of today, August 10th; with many thanks to God and you;  four informative posts have been delivered by email to thousands! 

This month is a time to thank God the Father through his Son and our Saviour Jesus Christ for the opportunity to present the gospel of Jesus Christ and expose and correct heresies, doctrines of devils, and false doctrines while exposing  heretics and false teachers locally and worldwide.  We give all glory where this is any glory to the Living God of Heaven and the Holy AV1611 Bible for any good coming from or out of this website.  And we thank you the reader for opening your heart to the truths of God’s word.   Help me help others by giving the gift of EZEKIEL3 to your family, pastor, and friends, encourage them to subscribe today!  THANKS!!

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JOHN 3:7 A CLOSER LOOK with Dwane Karr


I am honestly concerned for a lot of people,  (Street preachers included, some of them are the worst offenders), who believe “Stop sinning and follow Jesus” is the Gospel message for today!
Jesus said (John 3:7) “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
[Stop sinning and follow Jesus] is self reformation.
[Stop sinning and follow Jesus] is an attempt to perfect the flesh.
*Before the Cross, under the law that was what a man had to do. That is because no New Birth was possible for any man before the death of Jesus Christ.
>>>Heb.9:16 “For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.
17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.”<<<
Right now, today, in this dispensation, in the Church Age, a man is saved by (Acts 15:7-11, Eph.2:8-9, Titus 3:5) Grace through Faith alone. It is peculiar to this age. It is a special time in which God is assembling a (2 Cor.11:2, Eph.5:23-27) Bride for His Son, which is composed of (1 Cor.12:12-27, Gal.3:26-29) the Body of Christ.
*The New Birth today is a {SUPERNATURAL} Spiritual Birth (1 Cor.6:17) ” But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit”, that takes one out of the first Adam, and places him into the second Adam,…..
1 Cor.15:22 ” For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”
From (Eph.2:1) being “dead in trespasses and sins”, to being (Rom.6:11) “alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
1 Cor.12:13 “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body.” Put into the Spiritual Body of Jesus Christ and thus…
Eph.1:6 “To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.”
***Now the cold, hard facts are that you can reform the flesh all you want and convince yourself that you have risen to a state of living a sinless life but the fact is no matter what you do, (WITHOUT BEING SUPERNATURALLY BORN AGAIN), you will…
John 8:24 “die in your sins”. God will no longer {hold off} (2 Cor.5:19) imputing your sins unto you. Those sins will be charged to you eternally. They will forever be a part of you, in you and on you, with you in the Lake of Fire.
If you are one of those I am speaking about, I pray you take a long look at what you believe and pray that God would show you the truth in these matters before it is eternally too late!
2 Cor.5:20 I “beseech you” and “pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God”!
2 Cor.5:21 “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
Phil.3:9 ” And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.”
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James “Babble Jim” Webber Chases His Tail

The excerpt below is from James Webber’s book “Word Power”

If you say that the King James Version (KJV) is the best translation, then I ask, “What makes you think so?” If you declare the KJV to be the best translation because you say it is and then judge all the other translations by it, that’s circular reasoning, which is absolutely ridiculous in this situation. If you declare that God inspires the KJV and it’s far better than all the other versions, then I ask, “How do you know?” Again simply comparing KJV to other versions and using KJV as the standard is circular reasoning, and therefore, invalid. I say KJV is the best version, therefore, KJV must be the best version. This reasoning lacks wisdom. Let’s look at the facts. (taken from James Webber’s book Word Power)

James Webber is caught chasing his ecumenical “tale” while play Ring-Around-The-Rosary

Dwane Karr took a look at the facts at Webber’s request and in his short expose here on Ezekiel3  titled James “Bible Jim” Webber’s Book Exposed, he uncovered and corrected Webber’s falsehoods concerning the Septuagint and the Catholic churches  non-existent role in preserving God’s words.  Much remains to be said and will be said about Webber’s book “Word Power” in the next few weeks.  Look at the excerpt from Webber’s book below:

John Wycliffe (1330-1384) desired to make a translation into English that the ordinary reader could use. Of course, the traditionalist of the day thought his new translation should be condemned and tried him for heresy. (taken from Word Power by James Webber)

Shame on you Webber for glossing over the facts. The fact is, the “traditionalist of the day” was the Roman  Catholic WHORE that Webber attempts to give credit for preserving the words of God.  Webber seems to gotten dizzy chasing his tail and spouted off like a drunken Baalite (Catholic) priest.   The Living God of the AV1611 Bible and all AV1611 Bible-believers are waiting on an apology from James Webber for this horrendous oversight on his part or the name “Babble Jim” just might stick.

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David Chisholm’s – ISIMS and SCHISIMS at the ROCK



Recently on a Sunday morning EZEKIEL3’s investigative reporter, Pastor Larry McCune went to the (hyper-charismatic) Rock church on 37th Street in Parkersburg, WV to spy out the infamous isims and schisims of leader and founder, “FALSE APOSTLE David Chisholm”. Not surprised; he observed an earful and an eyeful of Bible ignorance running amuck.  There is no shortage of heresy at this Biblically bankrupt synagogue of Satan selling itself as a full gospel New Testament church. Continue reading for a factual eye-opening account given and recorded by our reporter, Larry McCune.

Upon entering the auditorium the first thing Larry encountered was absence of good lighting and almost total physical darkness.  Those attending this Sunday morning service were sitting in darkness, literally. and it became painfully obvious that they sat in darkness spiritually, following leader David Chisholm.  The entire seating area was so dark  that no one could read an AV1611 Bible even if they had one!  We know, because Larry had one.  The only light in the auditorium was coming from the stage and the mandala projected on the darkened walls (more on the mandala in a minute).

The praise and worship lasted for the better part of an hour and one could not be sure if it was the sound of victory or defeat unless you were born-again and familiar with God’s Final Authority, the AV1611 Holy Bible.  Larry quickly concluded that it was the sound of defeat as it rarely mentioned the name of Jesus and continually referred to him as the ONE.  The ONE is a name used by the Luciferin Society in reference to their god Satan.  Hmm.

During the “service or lack thereof” mandalas were projected on the darkened walls to bring the attendees into a trance and ready them to receive the message in tongues from a lead singer in the praise band.  Mandala are used in Hinduism and New Age Religion to alter the minds of seekers.  “Mandala” is loosely translated to meancircle,” and comes from the Indian language called Sanskrit and is not just a  simple shape. Mandalas are seen as a model or cosmic diagram to remind us of our relationship to infinity.  Mandalas are a spiritual teaching tool to establish a Sacred Place and serve as an aid in meditation and trance induction.  New Age uses mandalas to assist the meditator to experience oneness with the cosmos in all its forms.  Mandala symbols are used as a tool to explore deeper levels of unconscious.

We must stop and ask why was David Chisholm using this deceptive type of will worship with his followers? 

Next the woman leading the singing gave what was supposed to be a message in tongues.  Everyone waited for an interpretation,  while another band member sought an interpreter to no avail.  The same woman who gave the message in tongues used this pause in the action to make up some nonsense and gave the interpretation herself; thus bypassing all Biblical protocol even when these gifts were still in operation.  Her interpretation?  A garbled mess of hogwash, and that is putting it lightly.  More to come later as her interpretation is analyzed in a separate post!

Not much input from FALSE APOSTLE David Chisholm.  FAKE HEALER AND FALSE PROPHET Kevin Leal took the stage and tried to preach a salvation message, but kept leaning towards works salvation in addition to the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Not many antics from Leal.  Perhaps he was saving himself for the grand opening of the new Rock synagogue near Columbus, OH that night.  After muttering something about going to save the world Leal was through.  Larry left, saddened by the kind of spiritual darkness his estranged family and other Bible ignorant people sit in at the Rock church.


CHECK OUT THE FOLLOWING POSTS ON EZEKIEL3 THAT SHED MORE BIBLICAL LIGHT ON THE ROCK CULT!  Use the search engine on this blog to find:  “the Rock church – Tongues and Interpretation    –  “FALE APOSTLES on TRIAL”  –  FALSE APOSTLES  the CLOSING STATEMENT

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FALSE APOSTLE – Roger Anderson In His Own Words!

The excerpt below was taken from California’s own FALSE APOSTLE Roger Anderson’s FaceBook page.  You cannot just make this stuff up!  Perhaps you’ve not figured it out, but the demonic spirit that drives television celebrity FALSE APOSTLES have moved into the street preaching venue from which I hail.  What’s worse, it seems no one in the street preaching ministry is protesting Anderson’s false claim to be an apostle or even letting out a whimper.   Well known and busy street preachers will preach with anyone they can get to hold a banner.  All that matters to the busy celebrity street preachers is “Boots on the Ground”, with little regard to what the talking head in the boots believes or is saying!  With that said, take a careful look at what I found being mouthed by the FALSE APOSTLE on FaceBook, and then I will point out why we should mark FALSE APOSTLE Roger Anderson and avoid him.

Saturday a man was angry because blaming God for his disabled son. I said no the devil is the thief and Jesus can heal him. I said bring your son here and God will heal him. Sadly all day that man continued to be bitter believing a lie.
The above three sentences spoken by Anderson embody much of what’s wrong with the Charismatics.  First they do not believe the Bible they are holding; AV1611 or otherwise.  Second they are unable or unwilling to rightly divide the Scriptures as commanded by the Scriptures.  Third, Charismatics are so full of pride they prefer what they think the Bible teaches and themselves over what the Bible says.
I am thankful the for-mentioned man FALSE APOSTLE Anderson spoke with did not go and retrieve his handicapped son for prayer to be healed.  We know as well as FALSE APOSTLE Anderson the man would have been met with more disappointment and bitterness towards the  God.  The FALSE APOSTLE Anderson was  betting the man would not take him up on his offer.  If the man left to get his son the FALSE APOSTLE Anderson had plenty of time to wrap up his street session and head for home or another location to spread his false gospel of the “Endure to the End Cult”.  IF the man had brought his son to be healed the FALSE APOSTLE Anderson had an ACE up his sleeve and could have blamed the man’s lack of faith or sin in his life for the son not being healed.   Either way the FALSE APOSTLE Anderson would have vindicated himself at the expense of others and the truth of God’s words.
EZEKIEL3 has much more Biblical information on FALSE APOSTLE’S for your learning.  Use the search engines on this site and type in FALSE APOSTLE to see the truth about the modern apostles.
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Word Power and Bible Power Vol #2 – DOCUMENTED HERESY

James  Webber’s book, Word Power and Bible Power  came  apart at the bindings when his erroneous ecumenical chapter on the AV1611 Bible was closely examined by  AV1611 Bible scholar Dwane Karr.  Allow me to share with you some errors in Webber’s book and the strong reproof, rebuke, and exhortation offered to Mr. Webber by EZEKIEL3’s contributor and consultant, Mr. Dwane Karr of Parkersburg, WV.   You can get more great teachings from Karr at “the Workman” on YouTube. 


In reviewing the excerpts from James Webber’s book it was sad to see that another man has been fed the typical bill of goods that Rome has been putting out since the dolly worshipping Westcott and Hort put out their Greek New Testament in 1881.  That text was based on Vaticanus and Sinaiticus which all the deceived, want to be scholars believe to be the oldest and most reliable texts. It is no wonder Mr. Webber thanked Bruce M. Metzger for his book “The Bible in Translation” for helping him write his book.  Metzger was a Bible perverting puppet of Rome who was an editor of the United Bible Societies’ standard Greek New Testament, the starting point for nearly all recent New Testament translations.  Every translation of the Bible except the King James Authorized Version come from these Roman Catholic texts.

How quickly Christians forget that the Roman Catholic Church is the “MOTHER OF HARLOTS” of Revelation 17, Satan’s church. How quickly they forget that it was Roman Catholics who murdered millions of Christians during the dark ages and did so in the most heinous and torturous ways possible.  They are the ones who did everything they could to keep the Bible out of the hands of common man so they could control the perverted doctrines they put out and keep men enslaved by their Satanic brand of religion disguised as Christianity.

In 1952 Metzger became a contributor to the Revised Standard Version (RSV). One of the most rotten pieces of garbage that was ever put out as a Bible. From 1977 to 1990, he chaired the Committee on Translators for the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible and was “largely responsible for … seeing [the NRSV] through the press.   He considered it a privilege to present the NRSV—which includes the books referred to as Apocrypha by Protestants. Though Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox consider them deuterocanonical—to Pope John Paul II and Patriarch Demetrius I of Constantinople. Enough said about this Roman, Satanic pawn.

Mr. Webber goes on to say “The KJV-only followers should be thankful to the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church because they were the churches, through their pope’s, priests, bishops and monks, which have been guided by God to copy and preserve the manuscripts that the KJV 1611 came from.”   Mr. Webber sounds as if he is  in love with Rome as much as Mr. Metzger.  A man is easy to decieve when he is ignorant of who the real enemy is. How sad indeed. Mr Webber goes on to make this incredibly asinine statement:

“NOTE: It’s interesting to see the KJV 1611 version has 49 books in the Old Testament, not 39 as our translations do.  If the 1611 version was inspired by God, why delete 10 books contained within the original 1611 as many of the recent KJV versions do? Which part of the KJV 1611 is inspired, all or part?”

Perhaps he copied that directly from Metzger, for anyone who ever studied anything on this subject KNOWS that the 10 books he is talking about (the Apocrypha) were never considered inspired books by the King James translators and were not mixed in with the other books as is done in the grossly corrupt New Revised Standard Version put out by Metzger. They Apocrypha was considered to be “historical” books and NOT INSPIRED!  Thus they were inserted in the middle of the King James Bible as a historical addendum only. And as far as “KJV-only followers” being “thankful to the Roman Catholic Church” for preserving the scriptures, not to mention having “been guided by God to copy and preserve the manuscripts that the KJV 1611 came from”, nothing could be any farther from the truth.  God would not use Satan’s Baalite priests for anything other than (Mat.3:12) gathering them as chaff and burning them up with “unquenchable fire.”

The final point I would like to address is Mr Webber’s paragraph on the “Septuagint” which reads as follows:

“It is said that the Septuagint is the oldest translation of the Bible (285-246 B.C.). Accordingly, it was made for Jews. And it is commonly agreed that it was made for the Jews in Alexandria. Seventy-two elders (six from each of the twelve tribes) constructed it. They translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek because the common language of Alexandria was Greek. Over the years, many Jews had either grown rusty or had forgotten their Hebrew and wanted a translation so that they could understand the Scriptures. Hence, the Septuagint was created: a Greek translation from the Hebrew of the Old Testament.”

Ah, the Septuagint. This “oldest translation” is Satan’s masterpiece of deception he has used to guide scholars away from the truth and separate millions of professing Christians from the Words of The Living God. This Septuagint was supposedly put together a long before the time of Christ. There is not one shred of evidence that a complete Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament ever existed anywhere before the Birth of Jesus Christ.  The Septuagint, also know as the LXX, was in truth produced by Adamantius Origen somewhere between 220 and 254 A.D.!  As Mr Webber states the story is that 72 Jews, 6 from each tribe were gathered together to produce this B.C. Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament. I would like to focus on this story first.

1) 72 Jews where supposedly used.   Why then is it named the 70 (LXX)?  2) How were 6 well learned Jews from each tribe, proficient in both Greek and Hebrew assembled in Egypt considering the 10 northern tribes had went into Assyrian captivity 500 yrs before this LXX was supposedly written and never returned? (I would love to hear the Papal Gas on that one).  3) Anyone who is knowledgeable of the Bible KNOWS that the Levites were THE TRIBE responsible for the keeping of the Holy Scriptures. It would be completely against the commands of Jehovah God for members of any other tribe to BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES!  4) Anyone knowledgeable of God’s Words knows what God thinks of Egypt. God would not leave His people in Egypt.  God would not leave His Son in Egypt.  God would not even leave Joseph’s bones in Egypt.  Look what God said in Jeremiah’s time when some Jews ran to Egypt hoping for protection; (Jer.44:26) ” Therefore hear ye the word of the LORD, all Judah that dwell in the land of Egypt; Behold, I have sworn by my great name, saith the LORD, that MY NAME SHALL NO MORE BE NAMED IN THE MOUTH OF ANY MAN OF JUDAH IN ALL THE LAND OF EGYPT, saying, The Lord GOD liveth.”

The Septuagint is a manuscript copied by either Eusebius of Pamphilus directly out of the fifth column of the Hexapla, and Origen wrote this column HIMSELF! Origen’s “Hexapla” was a critical work that showed six versions of the Old Testament alongside each other. The First column was a Hebrew Old Testament. The Second column was a Greek transliteration of the Old Testament, using Greek characters to reproduce the Hebrew text. The third column was a Greek Old Testament by Aquila. The fourth column was a Greek Old Testament by Symmachus. The fifth column is Origens perverted masterpiece and is referred to as the LXX by Philip Schaff, (head of the ASV O.T. revision committee 1901). The sixth is another Greek Old Testament written by Theodotian.  Let me sum this up in plain English so this Satanic (Eph.4:14) “sleight of men and cunning craftiness” can be clearly understood once and for all!  The four Greek Old Testaments including Origen’s contained in the Hexapla ALL WERE WRITTEN BETWEEN 140 AND 240 A.D.!  Satan guided the corrupt mind of Origen, ( this man castrated himself and went around barefooted in order to obey pre-crucifixion instructions given to Jews under the Law), to write a grossly corrupt Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament in which he purposely changed Old Testament passages to match New Testament quotes by Jesus and the disciples so men like Mr. Webber would think the LXX-SEPTUAGINT was not only the oldest but “most accurate” manuscript available!   He was writing this over 100 yrs after the New Testament was completed and had it on his desk so he could alter the Hebrew Old Testament passages to match the Greek New Testament passages.  Very simple, and very effective betrayal of God’s Words.  Let me say in closing that I am not blasting Mr Webber. I am very sorry that a good man (I don’t know him but will give him the benefit of the doubt) like him has been deceived by this elaborate Roman Catholic con job.  Rome’s hands, skillfully guided by their father the Devil, have been very successful in robbing the Body of Christ of the POWER (2 Tim.3:5) of God in these last days by deceiving Christians into feeding on spiritual junk food instead of the strength (Acts 20:32) building Living Words of the Living God. All the new translations come from the corrupt manuscripts which originated in Alexandria Egypt.  Origen and his cohorts are the base and Westcott and Hort are the springboard that allowed Sinaiticus,  Alexandrinus, and Vaticanus to become accepted as the oldest and best manuscripts. Don’t be fooled fellow Christians. The King James Authorized Bible is the perfectly preserved WORDS of God. I am sure many will reject this article, for those once deceived on these matters seldom will admit they have been deceived by the great deceiver.  Genesis 3:1 “Yea, hath God said”?   He tactics won’t change until Rev.20:10.
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Bible Jim Webber Taps Out!


Well known, outspoken and long time “open-air preacher” and author James “Bible Jim” Webber tapped out without as much as a whimper when I challenged portions of  his book that challenged, belittled, and degraded the AV1611 Holy Bible (KJV).  At the bottom of this post is the short conversation between Jim and I before he took down this post from FaceBook.

Like many trying to discredit the AV1611, Webber knowing he could not defend the non-Biblical non-sense in his book, chose to crawfish under the rock of unbelief and quit playing with us who know the truth of God’s words.   

Tapping out will not work in this battle for the truth.  After contacting my good friend Dwane Karr, he agreed to collaborate with me on  one if not more articles to shed AV1611 light and good reasoning sprinkled with salt on “bible Jim’s” mixture of compromise and myths found in his book, “Blood Power”.  Get ready as we prepare to rock the very foundations of the ecumenical world!

Ray McIntire shared a link.
Jim, please check out my decree about the Holy Bible. Let me know what you think. Thanks, Bro. Ray
  Unlike many, I believe the AV1611 not only contains the scriptures, but is the scriptures for all English-speaking people.  I believe the AV1611 is inerrant and infallible as much as the ori…

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Today July 27, 2014 the conflict between Palestine and Israel rages and Ezekiel3 takes the Biblical stand which is pro-Israel without any exceptions.

What we are seeing in Israel and Palestine is a battle between good and evil; and good will win!  What we see in Israel is a battle between God and Satan and the Living God of the AV1611 Holy Bible wins!  What we are seeing in Israel and Palestine is a choice between good and evil and EZEKIEL3 is taking the side of good; Israel’s side.

Many across and around the world including the USA’s  own Obama regime are not standing with Israel during this current conflict.  Many taking sides against Israel are naming the name of Jesus Christ and claiming to be Christians.  How can this be?

Could it be that the great falling away spoken of in the New Testament is in “full slide mode”?

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;.

Could it be that those taking up space in modern churches are “still borns” rather than being “born again”?

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Only those suffering from strong “delusion” could think that Israel should not defend herself against rocket attacks, tunnel infiltration, suicide bombers, and kidnappings of its citizens.  Only those suffering from strong delusion could imagine that any country would tolerate the wholesale killing of its citizens without defending themselves.  Only those suffering from strong delusion would think the United States should not  back Israel 100 percent.

 I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil  …

Are you suffering from strong delusion?  Are you using perversions of the Holy Bible that sympathize with sodomites?  Are you reading perversions of the Bible that are anti-Israel?  Are you reading perversions of the Bible that leave out soul saving Bible verses?  Is God sending you strong delusion because of your hard heart and unbelief?  Have you blasphemed God’s BOOK so that God is sending you strong delusions?  Selah these things  for a few days.

It is time for you to speak up and take a stand against the Muslim hoard trying to destroy God’s chosen people.

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THE BOOK by Dwane Karr


 GOD’S BOOK the AV1611

When you think about God you are thinking about what you have learned about Him from the Book He has given us. If you think you are getting EXTRA Biblical knowledge about Him some other way, you are in contact with a devil. God has chosen to reveal Himself to His creatures through words in a Book. The King James Authorized Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind. I said all that to make a point and my point is this. God will put more weight on what you do with The Book, than He will with what you do with anything else! There are a lot of Christians who need to reevaluate their estimation of The Book (AV1611 Holy Bible).


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