COPE and JESSE MORRELL – Damning Themselves with Their Own Words!

Here are soul damning comments by Cope and Morrell in their own words taken from a thread on FaceBook.  I knew that many would not believe it, so here it is in their own words.  Be sure to mark them and avoid them, Biblically speaking (AV1611 of course).

Bro Cope You mean the **** ****** (word blanked by  Ezekiel3 because of XXX rating) ? When I looked into his eyes, I saw another set of eyes behind his, ones I knew.

  1. Jesse Morrell
    • Ray McIntire I’m not sure you know the definition of sin. Do the words “Be ye holy even as I am holy” mean anything to you?
    • Jesse Morrell “Be ye holy even as I am holy” is a pointless command, right? As you said, you cannot be “sinless.” It is impossible to be holy. That command is nothing more than the Galatian heresy that Paul preached against, right??
    • Ray McIntire Jesse, now in your own words, Be ye holy even as I am holy, is a pointless command, right? Answer: Not pointless, nothing from the mouth of God is pointless. BUT! You before Christ or after him have never been holy as He is holy. You need a Saviour powerful enough to save you from sins, past presnt and future. You seem to think you can do it on your own.
    • Ray McIntire Speaking of Jed, does he sin when the filth pours out of his mouth, or his wife’s mouth?
    • Ray McIntire Jesse, how long has it been since you sinned? Just asking.
    • Paul Mitchell Jed (and those many like him) employ the circus-like tactic(s) of a “gotta’ get a crowd” mentality. This is the central reason for their outlandish subjects, props and actions. Beyond this, his doctrine (which he keeps mostly hidden to support his work) is all over the board, but basically finds its root in a mix of Pentecostalism and Methodism (????). Strange fire to say the least!
    • Ray McIntire Jesse, gotta go to work now, I will check your video later and get back to you, perhaps by pointing out and correcting errors in your book we can get you, Jed, Cindy and the gang Biblically saved, You know born again.
    • Bro Cope It’s been years and years for me. Can’t even remember the last time I was even tempted to sin. When one has the mind of Christ, temptation cannot tempt because God cannot be tempted, and Christ (whose mind I have) is God. So, do the math…. If one has the mind of Christ, ceasing from sin is VERY VERY easy.
    • Ray McIntire Paul, looks like Wild Fire to me.
    • Ray McIntire Cope, did you sin in that video that Larry McCune has posted of you using vulgar fighting language on another street preacher as he lifted up Jesus Christ? Did you or not?
    • Ray McIntire Paul, we have a sneaking suspicion that Jed is a Jesuit.
    • Bro Cope McIntire, if you want to get them saved, you are too late. John said the evidence of a person who is born of God is that they do not sin. That is where we are at. That means you think that to be saved, we must be sinning. That would contradict everything that God has said since Adam sucked in his first breath.
    • Paul Mitchell “Bro. Cope” …now there is a real piece of work!
    • Ray McIntire Be careful, Cope old boy, the last time you shot your mouth of on a string I copied it and corrected you on my website.
    • Ray McIntire Paul, do you know any crazy Cope stories you could share with us on the net?
    • Bro Cope You mean the ****  ****** (same filthy word blanked out above) ? When I looked into his eyes, I saw another set of eyes behind his, ones I knew.
    • Bro Cope Your website is apostate. You couldn’t correct anyone.
    • Bro Cope Mark my words, McIntire, the day will come very soon when that “preacher” will stand before a judge to answer charges of raping young boys.
      mouthed Cope!  We are to expose sin and false teachers and with Cope talking like a pig, yet claiming to be sinless, he is a lying deceived hypocrite who is not evidencing the Holy Ghost of God for sure.

      13 hours ago · Like
      • Bro Cope Ray wrote: “Cope, you have a filth mouth!”

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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