Part 1 – Charismatics/Why I Cannot Join Them

Charismatics could easily be referred to as Scharismatics (prounouced scare-us-matics).  I cannot join them because their doctrines and total disregard for the AV1611 Bible scares me and the basis for their false beliefs, “tongues”, is not Biblical.  Allow me to briefly explain before I direct you to a web page that will give you the modern history of the “tongues” movement that was started around the turn of the 20th Century in California by Bible ignorant apostates!  Tongues was a transitional gift in the early church and all of what we know for sure about “tongues” is recorded in the Scripture as written to the unruly Corinthian church that was abusing this “gift”.  The Scharismatic must  understand the same Bible that records the “gift”, also marginalizes the “gift” and records the “gift would cease”.  And it,”tongues”, has ceased.  The  “gift”  Scharismatics boast of is no more and nothing less than fleshly murmuring which had a false start in what is known as the Azusa Street Revival.   Think, read the Bible, pray, and research before you join or continue in this non-Biblical movement!  See also


About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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8 Responses to Part 1 – Charismatics/Why I Cannot Join Them

  1. Bro. Ray McIntire says:

    Yep, they cut themselves on that “two edged sword everytime they open their mouths to spout off some heresy>

  2. Davy says:

    Pentecostal are lost souls … There babeling in some gibberish is in a tongues is proof they follow works for salvation ??

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been in many Pentecostal churches / it took me over 20 years before my eyes were open to the lies and deception of the oneness doctrine .. I learned that these people are led astray by the devil .. And they are a prideful and self righteous crowd .. The preachers tell the flock that they are a peculiar people .. We are different .. Not like the average joe .. But this is exactly how a cult operates ..

  4. admin says:

    B: One more thing before I publish new posts on Charismatics and Tongues in the next few weeks. You stated in your comment that you attended a Lutheran Church, which is nothing more or less than Roman Catholic Lite. I wonder how or why a born again Christian would be attending a Lutheran church? The Bible says to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith. Obviously you were out of the will of God by fellow shipping with Lutherans. I know that upsetting, but you were drinking the cup of devils served up by a Lutheran priest at communion. Honestly, did you ever hear a clear presentation of the Gospel at the Lutheran church? Did you ever see anyone baptized according to scripture in the Lutheran church? THINK. Quite possibly Satan gave you a false gift of tongues and you receive another spirit other than the Holy Spirit. Make your calling and election sure. ALWAYS REMEMBER – WANNA HAVE ETERNAL LIFE?, TRUST JESUS. WANNA GO TO HELL?, TRUST SOMETHING ELSE; ANYTHING ELSE. Selah. Still love you sister. Bro. Ray

  5. admin says:

    Dear B: I took another look at your comment this morning and noticed something very disturbing. You said you did not care about my interpretation of scripture, but I noticed that you did not care about even your interpretation or lack thereof when you accepted “tongues” in your room when you were all alone. I can only comment on what you said. So forgive me if I noticed that nowhere did you say that you lined up your “experience” with scripture before or after your tongues experience. But never fear, there will be an upcoming post/Bible teaching that will do that for you, comparing scripture with scripture, and a little history thrown in for good measure.

    Always remember, we do well to align our theology with the AV1611 Bible instead of aligning our theology with a private experience. Selah. Still love you sister. Bro. Ray

  6. admin says:

    Dear B: I took another look at your comment this morning and noticed something very disturbing. You said you did not care about my interpretation of scripture, but I noticed that you did not care about even your interpretation or lack thereof when you accepted “tongues” in your when you were all alone. I can only comment on what you said. So forgive me if I noticed that nowhere did you say that you lined up your “experience” with scripture before or after your tongues experience. But never fear, there will be an upcoming post/Bible teaching that will do that for you, comparing scripture with scripture, and a little history thrown in for good measure.

    Always remember, we do well to align our theology with the AV1611 Bible instead of aligning our theology with a private experience. Selah. Still love you sister. Bro. Ray

  7. admin says:

    First things first, thank you for reading EZEKIEL3. And thank you for giving a thoughtful response. Before I reply to the statements in your response, let me say that responses like yours let me know that I need to hunker down and prepare some in depth Bible studies on the subject of tongues and the Charismatic movement. Coming soon!

    The fact that you received the “gift” without any Biblical instruction on tongues from any teacher in church or out of church is disturbing. Secondly you accepted the “gift” without questioning or checking scripture. Actually this is not only between you or any other Charismatic and Jesus only, many are effected when we get away from the teaching of the scripture. No I am not the only authority, many men and women of God down through the ages have done great exploits for our Lord Jesus without the “gift of tongues” (missionary work, martordom, and etc). I don’t think you really believe that you have no need of church history concerning tongues, instead I think you are afraid to look at history because it disagrees with your experience. It’s OK that you do not care about my interpretation of scripture, so in upcoming posts we’ll let scripture interpret itself. Fair enough? Oh and don’t forget you were in a church that believes in works salvation and sprinkles babies like its mother church (Roman Catholic Church). And as far as the Lord changing his mind, what about dispensations? I pray for you and other Charismatics that you will accept truth over experience and feeling when I present sound Biblical teaching in the coming weeks. Then and until then, Bible-Bible-Bible. Still love you sister. Bro. Ray

  8. B says:

    I did not get my gift of tongues in any church. I totally surprised me in my bedroom when I was deep in prayer with the Lord. Just because you don’t have this gift doesn’t mean others don’t. I received this gift when going to a Lutheran church, I didn’t know anything about charismatics at the time. This is between me and the Lord Jesus. You sound like you are the only authority, it’s your understanding only. You alone have all the answers. I do not need to look at the modern history of speaking in tongues nor do I, or ever did, care about the world and what they think. Nor do I care about your interpretation of scripture. I know what I know by the Holy Spirit. It is a gift and the Lord has not come and told us He has changed His mind. You can’t just take sentence and change it to mean what you want, that is how many cults have started. Still love you brother.

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