American Baptist Churches USA – Why I Cannot Join Them

This is the first part of a series titled. WHY I CANNOT JOIN THEM.  We are starting with the American Baptist Churches USA and will continue with other denominations and cults.  God’s words, the 1611 AV Bible says to rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith. Titus 1:13  As this series continues you will see intriguing posts that deal with several false doctrines and heresies attributed to and taught by Oneness (Jesus Only) Pentecostal Cults, Holiness Cults, Roman Catholics, Campbellites, TBN evangelists and other TV Ministries, Radio Evangelists, Protestants, Charismatics and etc.  Let’s get started.

The foremost reason that I could not join American Baptist Churches USA is revealed in the following statement taken from their website, www.abc-usa.org  on September 8, 2012, and reveals  what they believe, and don’t believe about the Bible.

We Are Guided By God’s Word Holy Scripture always has been for us the most authoritative guide to knowing and serving the true God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer)  As the divinely inspired word of God, the Bible for us reveals our faith and its mandated practice.

I don’t think American Baptist Churches USA believes one word of the above  statement,  because more is revealed in what they didn’t say and what they do.

ABCUSA begins with a statement that would leave the casual reader thinking they believe in Holy Scripture, and conclude this statement of faith by declaring that the word of God is divinely inspired.  But, I don’t believe a word of what they said or what they wanted us to believe they meant.  Check this out.

ABCUSA did not say the Holy Scripture was an available Bible or give any clue about where you could get your hands on a copy of it.  ABCUSA did not say which bible was divinely inspired or where you could get a copy of the one they think is divinely inspired.  There is a reason why they are not specific.  As a whole, those in this organization believe the Holy Scriptures only existed in the original manuscripts which they do not havecannot get, and cannot read even if they had them.  You can look at the statement-of-faith used by many American Baptist churches, and you will be hard pressed to find one that believes the” bible” they have in their hand is the holy scriptures, regardless of what “version” it may be.  They may say they believe their bible is the holy scriptures, but what they really mean is that the holy scriptures are contained somewhere in all their favorite versions that are in use today.  A list of those versions that I just spoke of would no doubt include, but not be limited to the NIV, the NKJV, the NASB, the ASV the Living Bible, the Message Bible, the Holman Bible, The New NIV, and the 2011 NIV to name just a few.  No one in ABCUSA will or can tell you where the truth starts and stops in this list of scripture perversions.

As a method of bible study American Baptists USA of West Virginia teach that one should select his or her favorite bible , in an attempt to find out what God is trying to tell them through “his word”.  Then they should surround themselves  with other “versions” from the above list and attempt to figure out where the truth of God starts by comparing one “revelation” against the other in an attempt to find where the “truth” ends.  This doesn’t sound Biblical to me.

Attention!,American Baptist Churches USA along with many apostate Independent Baptist churches, Liberal churches, Pentecostal churches, charismatic churches I beg you this one thing.   Please apply some eye salve and get your ears circumcised so you can know the truth about the Bible and Holy Scripture (AV1611). You are no better than the Apostles Paul and Peter and certainly not as good as our Lord Jesus Christ, and not one of them had the original manuscripts.  Yet they all believed God was able to preserve his word and give them a copy of it they could hold in their hand and know “thus saith the Lord”.  Acts chapter two records Jews from all countries heard the word of God in their own languages.  God was able to deliver his word miraculously then and now!  God gave us (the English-speaking people) his words (the Holy Scriptures) in the AV 1611 King James Bible.  Modern translators and those who use “modern translations”  have been used as messengers of Satan to buffet and scourge the written word (AV1611),  just as the Romans scourged and buffeted the living Word (Jesus). The Jews did not receive the Living Word, and people like yourselves reject the written words of God.  Ezekiel3.com has other posts that address the Authorized Version and you can find more online at www.biblebelievers.com , and books such as In Awe of Thy Word by Gail Riplinger.  This sin of unbelief about God’s words (AV1611) is not unique to the ABCUSA, and can be found in just about every major denomination that names the name of Christ in these last days.

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? Gal. 4:16

About Bro. Ray McIntire

EZEKIEL 3 is extremely salty and has not lost any savor found in the AV1611 Holy Bible. If you are looking for compromise, this site is not for you! This site's objective is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and to destroy false doctrines and expose false teachers. EZEKIEL3 makes no apologies to anyone who opposes the Gospel of Jesus Christ, "Christian" or otherwise. Deal with it!
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